Watch the European Year of Youth (EYY) Legacy video!
poslední aktualizace pondělí, 15/01/2024
A retrospective video of the European Year of Youth 2022 (EYY) is finally out. Watch it subtitled in your own language to know what has been achieved!
Whether you've been an active participant of the EYY 2022 events or not, this Legacy video offers you a 2 minutes summary about what has been done.
The EYY was a year for young people to speak out and make their voices heard. More than 13.000 activities took place all over Europe and beyond. Different engaging initiatives, such as the Youth Talks, the Policy Dialogues with Commissioners and the “Voice your Vision platform", were put in motion.
Some months ago, the Year of Youth has come to an end, giving place to the Year of Skills.
Now, as this video sharply states, it's "time to reflect and act on the Year's Legacy".
Let the EYY 2022 Legacy video inspire you so the legacy can live on!
Also available on our EYY Communication material.