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Europeiska solidaritetskåren

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Solidarity in practice 2019

Polha Varese - Associazione Polisportiva Dilettantistica per Disabili


Varese, Italien


Polha is affiliated to the major disabled people sport federations such at national and international level, and the association collaborates with other local and european NGOs on projects regarding the topic of sport in general and sport for disable people( technical development of sports for disabled people, healthy and sport life style) but is also involved in projects regarding raising awareness and disability in general Taking part to a the daily life of POLHA association especially in supporting disable people during the training in different sports ( handbike, sledgehockey, swimming, table tennis). In the office work volunteers will work on promotional activities, social networks communication and organisation of sport and communication events.

Logi, mat och transporter

Volunteers are hosted in a fully equipped house, with two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom. They will share bedroom with another volunteer.

Utbildning under verksamheten

On arrival training is provided by coordinating organisation about the project aims and the overall community partnerships. Volunteers will also be given all the instruction regarding EVS principle and functioning in our organisation. Training on working with vulnerable adults is provided to all our volunteers by staff members in the hosting organisations and volunteer will be trained on the job with staff help . Volunteers will be given informal learning process support through the active participation to a monthly 4 hours group trainings on YOUTHPASS certificate.

Deltagarens profil

All people aged 18 - 30, who have a genuine interest and passion for working in a community project to develop solidarity in various ways. He/she has express interest for the no-profit sector and the active participation in society.


Från 10/01/2019 till 30/09/2019


via Valverde, 17, Varese, Italien

Individuellt volontärarbete

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Sista ansökningsdag: 10/09/2018 23:59