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Evropska solidarnostna enota

Močnejši skupaj

Tisser des liens par-delà les frontières

Vents et Marées

La Roche sur Yon, Francija


According to the needs and interests of volunteer, the project will be personalized on the aspirations and attitude of volunteer, but here is some activities we are proposing: -Presentation of his/her home country and its culture; -Disseminate information about the European Solidarity Corps program and share her/his experience through conferences and meetings with young people; -Events organization (the volunteer will be involved in all logistical steps up to the realization of "Printemps Théâtral"); -Communication: website moderation, creation of communication tools, use of different medias (like making videos, blog, etc.) and the social networks to spread information; -Participate in thematic workshops, theater workshops and projects organized by "Vents et Marées" or one of its partners; - Creation of personal project (e.g. writing articles or newsletters, making a photo or video exhibition, etc.).

Nastanitev, prehrana in prevoz

The volunteer will be hosted in a shared flat closed to the office. She/he will share the flat with a young person who is working as a “Service Civique” for the city council. She/he has her/his own room. No food is directly provided by the organization, but the volunteer will receive monthly a financial help. A bicycle is provided for daily journeys. The way to the office is short so she/he can make it on foot if she/he prefers. For largest distances, a volunteer of our association will take her/him by car.

Usposabljanje med dejavnostjo

-2 hours of French course per week, members of the association could help in the preparation of the DELF/DALF exam; - Training on professional software such as “Photoshop” or “In Design”; - Registration in a workshop (theater, photography, etc.) with students or adults; - He or she will be offered to volunteer at local festivals and participate in cultural and linguistic exchanges during "cafés polyglottes".

Profil udeleženca

-Motivation for getting in touch with a lot of different publics and taste for activities with young people -Curiosity and open-mindedness -Interest in theater and the issue of learning foreign languages -Interest for the European issues and intercultural relations -Our organization is working to promote “Francophonie” within our international network, so an average level in French can be an advantage -Willing to spend some time on the computer (the constraints of a largely office-based service) - Willingness to share his/her culture - Minimal knowledge of the French language

Datumi dejavnosti

Od 11/01/2021 do 10/07/2021

Kraj dejavnosti

8, cours Bayard, La Roche sur Yon, Francija

Individualne prostovoljske aktivnosti

Iščemo udeležence iz


Teme dejavnosti

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Rok za prijavo

Rok za prijavo: 31/12/2037 23:59