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Det europæiske solidaritetskorps

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Your Path through Outdoor Education

Naturfreundejugend Internationale z.s.

International Young Naturefriends (IYNF)

Prague, Tjekkiet


As a volunteer, you work 30-35 hours a week in the international office of IYNF located in the centre of Prague and: • You have a chance to assist with a variety of tasks, your working experience is adjusted to your needs and interests and you are able to bring your ideas and implement them • The typical tasks will focus on international communication and digital media: support the content and development of the IYNF social media and webpage, work on creative design and preparation of visually attractive and engaging materials, writing articles, learn how to edit pictures and create videos, gathering information about ESC and youth mobility projects, support of organization of educational activities or workshops, support of the communication process with various organizational stakeholders etc. • You are given the opportunity and space to learn and develop desired skills • You have a chance to develop your own mini-project and you are introduced to various opportunities in Prague

Logi, mad og transport

FOR MORE DETAILS AND TO SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION FOLLOW THIS LINK: • You will have paid accommodation and receive a monthly food allowance + pocket money. Your health insurance and the travel from and to your home country will also be covered by the European Solidarity Corps program.

Deltagerens profil

• You are aged between 18 and 30 years old (at the time of the start of the project in January 2022) • You are registered in the European Solidarity Corps portal and have your European Solidarity Corps ID • You are able to start your voluntary service in January 2022 • You have at least communicative knowledge of English • Availability to participate in our workplan “Let’s get outta here – Outdoor Education as the path to Mental Health” BE AS CREATIVE AS POSSIBLE! To be considered in the program, you must send us a VIDEO PRESENTATION of yourself!

Datoer for aktiviteter

Fra 20/01/2022 til 03/01/2023

Steder for aktiviteter

Senovážné nám. 977/24,, Prague, Tjekkiet

Individuelt frivilligt arbejde

Leder efter deltagere fra

Albanien, Armenien, Østrig, Aserbajdsjan, Bosnien-Hercegovina, Belgien, Bulgarien, Hviderusland, Cypern, Tjekkiet, Tyskland, Danmark, Estland, Grækenland, Spanien, Finland, Frankrig, Georgien, Kroatien, Ungarn, Irland, Island, Italien, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxembourg, Letland, Moldova (Republic of), Montenegro, Nordmakedonien, Malta, Nederlandene, Norge, Polen, Portugal, Rumænien, Serbien, Russian Federation, Sverige, Slovenien, Slovakiet, Tyrkiet, Ukraine, Forenede Kongerige, Det

Emner for aktiviteten

Environment and natural protection


Ansøgningsfrist: 05/12/2021 23:59