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Evropska solidarnostna enota

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Fondazione di religione e di culto Mondoaltro

Fondazione di Religione e di Culto Mondoaltro

Agrigento, Italija


In the second year of the project, during 8 months, the volunteer will work in the educational intercultural centre ‘Alveare’- youth centre for Italian and foreign children and youngsters, at «Locanda di Maria», a project of soup kitchen: a place in which volunteers, young people and people suffering for any kind of social exclusion can work towards a new food and reuse culture to promote social inclusion and international solidarity. In addition, they will support the Youth department with school meetings in, meetings in which they can promote European opportunities, special topic workshops and developing orienteering activities with a focus on soft skills for young people. Volunteers will implement the new coworking space in the city centre – ‘TRAME’ - with an info point about volunteering experience and activities for young people.

Nastanitev, prehrana in prevoz

The cost of room and Food allowance - 160 euros - is completely covered by the host organization. In addition, every month the volunteer will receive pocket money (about 150 euros – 5 euros per day) for the additional personal buy. The cost of the trip (round-trip ticket) is covered by a maximum of 275 euros. Moreover, there is special complimentary insurance for each volunteer. According to the accommodation, volunteers will stay in a private flat situated in the building of Fondazione Mondoaltro” which is also the place of a part of the Foundation's activities and services.

Usposabljanje med dejavnostjo

The volunteers will attend the training opportunities of Italian NA (On arrival Training and Middle Term Evaluation – TEC). In addition, Fondazione Mondoaltro will provide on-arrival training to introduce them to the context; specific training for each activity to share the method of work; linguistic training (60h) in addition to the Online linguistic support, period briefings with the tutor, and all the training provided to the group of Fondazione Mondoaltro volunteers.

Profil udeleženca

We are looking for volunteers motivated to live a non-formal and intercultural experience abroad. They should be motivated to work with children and youngsters, and interested in intercultural issues and social inclusion. They should share their skills with motivation, enterprising spirit, and creativity. They should be interested in starting a learning process and sharing their experience with the other European volunteers and local young people. It is very important the respect everyone and valorization all the differences.

Datumi dejavnosti

Od 03/10/2023 do 23/06/2024

Kraj dejavnosti

via Orfane, 16, Agrigento, Italija

Individualne prostovoljske aktivnosti

Iščemo udeležence iz

Albanija, Nemčija, Grčija, Španija, Poljska, Portugalska

Teme dejavnosti

Social challenges

Citizenship and democratic participation

Education and training

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