Volunteer at the Danish Ecovillage Network

Landsforeningen for Okosamfund
Ringsted, Danska
Interested in being part of a growing and ambitious network? Curious of the ecovillage lifestyle? Then this might be something for you – LOES is looking for 3 long-term volunteers! Volunteer tasks: Projects in Ghana, Ukraine and Erasmus+ (with the project coordinator in LOES, Camilla) and Educational activities (with both Mette and Camilla). Once weekly, the whole team will have an office day together, in Mette’s ecovillage. Apart from working with LOES 3 times a week, 2 days will be in the hosting ecovillage, where tasks can include everything from cooking shared dinners in the community with the cooking teams, assisting in the gardens and running activities in a nearby asylum center. Apply here: https://forms.gle/3LktbfXHMHgbAgkv5
Nastanitev, prehrana in prevoz
You must be ready to take part in community life, living in an ecovillage (Hallingelille 45 minutes outside Copenhagen) in the countryside, taking part in the everyday life there. The three ESC volunteers can enjoy lodging in private houses with families that will rent out a room for them (each). The common house might function as their shared ‘center’, with the big kitchen, showers etc. In the ecovillage there will be shared/communal dinners three times weekly. There are free bicycles for volunteers for shopping and travel. Buses and trains are also within short distance.
Profil udeleženca
We are looking for a composition of all genders, ages and countries.
Datumi dejavnosti
Od 15/04/2024 do 31/12/2024
Kraj dejavnosti
Hallingebjergvej 24, Ringsted, Danska
Individualne prostovoljske aktivnosti
Iščemo udeležence iz
Avstrija, Belgija, Canary Islands, Ciper, Češka, Nemčija, Danska, Grčija, Španija, Finska, Francija, Grenlandija, Hrvaška, Irska, Islandija, Italija, Luksemburg, Latvija, Nizozemska, Norveška, Poljska, Portugalska, Švedska, Ukrajina
Teme dejavnosti
Education and training
Rok za prijavo
Rok za prijavo: 01/04/2024 23:59