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Volunteer in a theater company : live performance production

Fédération des Organisations Laïques de l'Indre

Castanea Spectacles

Saint-Marcel, Francija


Castanea spectacles is a theater company that produces live shows. It organizes the touring of shows for children, and sets up projects linked to live entertainment, especially the creation of an intergenerational and participative show during the summer of 2025 in the ruins of a Roman theater. Tasks for the volunteer : - For tours of children's shows in collaboration with the artists: -Organization of schedules -Travelling with artists, helping to set up and dismantle sets -Creation of content for social networks -Updating the website - Within the framework of the summer show, in liaison with the employee and the associative team: - Organization of schedules (technical, volunteers, etc.) - Coordination of the various show teams (volunteer, professional, associative) - Organization and distribution of communication materials - Volunteer recruitment - Creation of content for social networks - Updating the website

Dzīvošana, ēdināšana un transports

The volunteer will live in a flat in Argenton-sur-Creuse city center (small town with 5000 inhabitants) with another volunteer who will be in a school. The volunteer will have his own room but share kitchen and bathroom with the other volunteer. The place of the mission is 2km from there, so we will lend a cycle to go there everyday. The volunteer will get money for food and leisure.

Mācības pasākuma laikā

Once a month : one half-day the other volunteer to speak about the mission, the difficulties or needs, or learn about a subject, depends on the needs of the volunteers ! The volunteers will take part in the welcome and mid-term training organised by the National Agency. The volunteer also will take part in the training for the national civil services (2 days). They will have the possibility to train according to their needs and their willings.

Dalībnieka profils

The volunteer should be interested in the topic of theatre and culture. He must be available until the end of the mission, because the play will be performed at the end of August He or she must master computer and social networking tools He must have good people skills French speaking will be appreciated.

Pasākuma datums

No 16/09/2024 līdz 31/08/2025

Pasākuma vieta

9 rue de la treille, Saint-Marcel, Francija

Individuāls brīvprātīgais darbs

Meklējam dalībniekus no šīm valstīm

Austrija, Beļģija, Bulgārija, Kipra, Čehijas Republika, Vācija, Dānija, Igaunija, Grieķija, Spānija, Somija, Horvātija, Ungārija, Īrija, Itālija, Luksemburga, Latvija, Malta, Nīderlande, Norvēģija, Polija, Portugāle, Rumānija, Serbija, Zviedrija, Slovēnija, Slovākija, Ukraina

Pasākuma temati

Creativity and culture

Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš

Pieteikuma iesniegšanas termiņš: 15/06/2024 23:59