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Evropska solidarnostna enota

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VolunTACC – Support to the International Area

Taller d'Art, Cultura i Creació

Barcelona, Španija


VolunTACC-International Mobility incorporates 1 volunteer to support TACC's International area to design and plan new actions to promote international mobility opportunities online, by creating tangible material through visual arts (audiovisuals & graphic design) and by carrying out advisories addressed to young people aged 12-30 y.o. in different youth centers in the territory and fairs, while emphasizing the ESC and Erasmus+ programs. The project will promote social inclusion, solidarity, voluntary service and European intercultural respect through intercultural experiences, and informal & non formal education as a participation method. The volunteer will perform the work from the office of TACC in Barcelona, and in different youth facilities in municipalities around Barcelona province managed by TACC. S/he will also participate in local events organized by TACC covering them with photography & audiovisuals.

Nastanitev, prehrana in prevoz

*Accommodation: The volunteer will live in a sharing apartment located in Barcelona; s/he will have her/his private room, and common areas to share with other young people. *Food: The volunteer will receive 5,33 €/day for food. *Pocket Money: The volunteer will receive a pocket money of 5 €/day. *Travel costs: Volunteer's international travel cost will be paid from the project budget according to the distance calculator. *Local Transport: The volunteer will receive a monthly "local transport money". *Insurance: The volunteer will be covered by EHIC and HENNER insurance.

Usposabljanje med dejavnostjo

The volunteer will participate to on-arrival training and mid-term evaluation provided by the National Agency in Spain. Moreover, s/he will be registered on the OLS with an online SPANISH language course. S/he will have the possibility to participate in workshops of conversational Spanish and to engage in Catalan language trainings organized by TACC or other associations/institutions of the local community. S/he will be also trained in the use of communication techniques for promoting international mobility opportunities as a tool for social transformation for youth.

Profil udeleženca

We are looking for an open-minded, creative and imaginative person with initiative & communicative skills, familiar with visual arts, audiovisuals, graphic design, photography & video edition, with sensitivity for working with young people with fewer opportunities and motivated to learn about the functioning of a youthful & artistic entity. The volunteer will design and develop artistic socio-educational activities with youngsters to promote international mobility opportunities. Other skills: To be able to communicate in English and basic Spanish.

Datumi dejavnosti

Od 27/09/2024 do 31/12/2024

Kraj dejavnosti

C/ Comte Guell 25-27, Barcelona, Španija

Individualne prostovoljske aktivnosti

Iščemo udeležence iz

Teme dejavnosti

Social challenges

Citizenship and democratic participation

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Rok za prijavo

Rok za prijavo: 31/08/2024 23:59