Help for children with disabilities

Narodno Chitaliste Oswobojdenie-1884
Kazalak, Bulgarien
The activities are non-formal learning and give the volunteers the opportunity to express their solidarity, develop different competences and abilities. The activities are highly social. Most of them are related to helping children and young people with disabilities and to help elderly people. Another part of the activities requires learning about Bulgarian traditions and customs to organize festivals, activities with children, exhibitions, etc. for the local population. Young people will be able to get to know Bulgaria, Bulgarian folklore, and Bulgarian people.
Logi, mat och transporter
Accommodation, food, and transport are free for the volunteer. The transport fees will be reimbursed after the arriving of the volunteer in Bulgaria. The duration of the project is 6 months. The activities start on 1st of April and finish at 30th of September. Every month the volunteer will receive 210-euro pocket money and 200-euro food money. The vacation of the volunteer is 12 days. He has 2 days holiday during the week. The working week is between 30 and 36 hours.
Utbildning under verksamheten
During the project the volunteer will learn Bulgarian language and will have the opportunity to discover Bulgarian folklore. Will have the opportunity to develop his social skills and competencies. They will visit on-arraival training organaized by the Bulgarian National Agency in Sofia
Deltagarens profil
Girls on age between 18 – 30 years, ready to help. Tolerant volunteers who have the skills to work in team and to provide benefits to the organization.
Från 01/04/2025 till 30/09/2025
Trakia 6, Kazalak, Bulgarien
Individuellt volontärarbete
Söker deltagare från
Aktivitetens ämnen
Social challenges
Creativity and culture
Sista ansökningsdag
Sista ansökningsdag: 28/02/2025 16:00