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Evropska solidarnostna enota

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Volunteering for a smile


Nevo Parudimos

Resita, Romunija


There are open placements in "Volunteering for a smile" project for 4-6-9 months period for volunteers from Italy, Portugal, Greece, France, Spain, Bulgaria or Croatia. Our main goal is to improve the educational services within the communities, and for this we will have educational activities with the youngsters and the local volunteers (foreign language lessons, games, team building activities, taking responsibility for their actions, recycling etc.), we will work in kindergartens as well as do field activities and trough these we hope to achieve a more active society. The learning outcomes of the volunteers (YOU!) are one of our priorities as well, particularly around social, intercultural and personal skills; work experience in the pedagogical field; English and Romanian language knowledge; confidence and independence.

Nastanitev, prehrana in prevoz

The volunteers will be hosted in a rented apartment, with single or double bedrooms. In the apartment there are all the necessary conditions for a good life. Rent and utilities (water, gas, electricity, internet) will be paid by the hosting NGO. Transport (at local level) will be provided by the hosting NGO, in this case Nevo Parudimos, which will buy each volunteer a monthly transport pass in the city, so that you can enjoy free public transportation. Each volunteer will receive a 210 euro allowance every month, in order to cover his/her food and other expenses.

Usposabljanje med dejavnostjo

During the project, volunteers will participate in an on-arrival training as well as a mid-term evaluation, both organised by the Romanian Erasmus National Agency in Bucharest, for one week each. The sending and host organisations will inform the volunteers about all the particularities of Erasmus+ volunteering, Youthpass and Europass CV. All volunteers will receive mentorship sessions as well as a Romanian language course. Throughout the project, the volunteers will improve on their intercultural, linguistic, organisational and entrepreneurial competences.

Profil udeleženca

The most important quality for an EVS volunteer should be a desire to participate actively in the project. Pro activity, enthusiasm, eagerness and a desire for involvement are all necessary in order to ensure both the project and the volunteers will reach their full potential. Open-mindedness, responsibility, tolerance and a minimum level of English are also essential. For this specific project, taking into account it's educational nature, volunteers should feel comfortable in working with children, as well as teaching them using non-formal methods.

Datumi dejavnosti

Od 01/11/2019 do 30/07/2020

Kraj dejavnosti

Strada Bega Nr. 1, Resita, Romunija

Individualne prostovoljske aktivnosti

Iščemo udeležence iz

Bolgarija, Grčija, Španija, Hrvaška, Italija, Portugalska

Teme dejavnosti

Social challenges

Education and training

Creativity and culture

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