Volunteering at Sunnahof Tufers | Solidarity & Diversity in Vorarlberg

Volunteering at Sunnahof Tufers | Solidarity & Diversity in Vorarlberg

Sunnahof Tufers

Göfis, Austria

Termín na podanie prihlášky vypršal.

Opis činnosti

*Please apply by sending an E-Mail to susanne.sparr@aha.or.at with your CV + letter of motivation! Also please note that only the position at the area of Gastronomy is still open!! Sunnahof is a biodynamic farm as well as a social organisation. Our general principle is “people need people” no matter if you have any disabilities or not. As a volunteer at Sunnahof, you will have a varied role and therefore gain invaluable experience and skills for working with people with intellectual disabilities and behaviour problems. On that course, you will learn a lot about their ways of living as well as disability issues and issues facing the local community. You will also learn how to work along with people with disabilities and how to increase their skills and promote their independence. The volunteers who apply will each have the chance to choose to work in ONE of our four working areas: 1. agriculture 2. carpentry 3. plant nursery or 4. gastronomy with a farm shop

Ubytovanie, strava a doprava

You will live in the house next to the organisation with the other volunteers. You will have your own room and share two bathrooms and the kitchen+living room with the others. During the week you will get your lunch in the HO. In the morning, evening and at weekend you should cook by yourself/with the others. For this you will get extra food money to buy your groceries :) The infrastructure with trains and buses is easy and quick and you will also have a bicycle at your disposal. Also, every volunteer will receive a ticket for free use of the public transport in the whole region of Vorarlberg!

Odborná príprava počas činnosti

The volunteer will have following trainings and opportunities: - On-arrival Training; organised by the NA Austria - Midterm-Meeting; organised by the NA Austria - German course; organised by the supporting/coordinating organisation - Regular evaluation meetings together with the supporting/coordinating organisation - Regular meetings with your mentor in the hosting organisation

Profil účastníka

We are looking for open minded people who want to collect a lot of experiences in the daily work with people with intellectual disabilities and behaviour problems. We expect that the volunteer bring in a high motivation for the substantial work, especially for the work with people with disabilities. Moreover the volunteer has a stabilized personality so that they are able to encouraged and accompanied people with disabilities to realize their potential and abilities.

Obdobie činnosti

Za obdobie 12/09/202231/08/2023 celkový počet týždňov: 50

Miesto činnosti

6811 Göfis Austria

Záujem o účastníkov z týchto krajín

Albánsko, Rakúsko, Bosna a Hercegovina, Belgicko, Bulharsko, Cyprus, Česká republika, Dánsko, Estónsko, Grécko, Fínsko, Francúzsko, Chorvátsko, Maďarsko, Írsko, Island, Taliansko, Litva, Luxembursko, Lotyšsko, Moldova (Republic of), Čierna Hora, Severné Macedónsko, Malta, Holandsko, Nórsko, Poľsko, Portugalsko, Srbsko, Švédsko, Slovinsko, Slovensko, Ukrajina, Kosovo * UN resolution, Rumunsko

Témy aktivít

Sociálne problémy

Ochrana životného prostredia a prírody

Zdravie a kvalita života

Lehota na podávanie prihlášok

termínu na predloženie prihlášky: 15/08/2022