Volunteering in Patras

Volunteering in Patras

InterMediaKT - Interactive Media Knowledge Transfer

Patras, Greece, Greece

Termín na podanie prihlášky vypršal.

Opis činnosti

Our volunteering project aims to foster competences by enhancing knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours, so much for the volunteers as for the beneficiaries of the project overall. It is aimed at people who wish to engage in a volunteering activity to strengthen social cohesion, democracy and citizenship at European level, while offering to local communities. Opportunities & Goals Design and manage several events such as seminars, workshops, conferences, etc. from planning, to implementation and to the project closing. Participate in the trainings and also implement the developed methodology while teaching in the respective training course, under the guidance of experienced members at InterMediaKT. Commit to local and European projects and to participate and respond to current societal challenges. ESC experience also allows them a true professional development and provides them an entry point for future jobs, improving theri employability

Ubytovanie, strava a doprava

Free accommodation in an apartment with other ESC volunteers. Monthly food expenses up to 180E are covered. Pocket money of 150E/ month is provided. European Health Insurance Card and the additional CIGNA insurance is offered to all volunteers. Travel costs to Patras from the volunteer’s home country and back are covered. For the volunteers who require a visa, we provide support by contacting the respective embassies and sending individual invitations (invitation letters). We also provide the costs for issuing the visa.

Profil účastníka

Do you have enthusiasm to learn? Are you a cooperative & reliable person? Do you like teamwork? Do you want to leave your comfort zone and live a unique experience? Do you have organisational & problem-solving skills? Do you have a good command of the English language (B1/B2 level)? Do you want to acquire intercultural competences? Do you have knowledge, expertise, or a strong interest in these sectors? 1) Non-Formal Education & Learning 2) Communication & Media 3) Fundraising 4) Graphics design & Multimedia development 5) Communication & Social Media Management

Obdobie činnosti

Za obdobie 01/11/202231/08/2023 celkový počet týždňov: 1

Miesto činnosti

Agiou Andreou 27, 26221 Patras, Greece Greece

Záujem o účastníkov z týchto krajín

Albánsko, Arménsko, Rakúsko, Azerbajdžan, Bosna a Hercegovina, Belgicko, Bulharsko, Bielorusko, Cyprus, Česká republika, Nemecko, Dánsko, Alžírsko, Estónsko, Egypt, Grécko, Španielsko, Fínsko, Francúzsko, Gruzínsko, Chorvátsko, Maďarsko, Írsko, Izrael, Island, Taliansko, Jordánsko, Libanon, Lichtenštajnsko, Litva, Luxembursko, Lotyšsko, Líbya, Maroko, Moldova (Republic of), Čierna Hora, Severné Macedónsko, Malta, Holandsko, Nórsko, Poľsko, Palestína, Portugalsko, Rumunsko, Srbsko, Russian Federation, Švédsko, Slovinsko, Slovensko, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisko, Turecko, Ukrajina, Spojené kráľovstvo, Kosovo * UN resolution, British Antarctic Territory, Anguilla, Aruba, Svätý Bartolomej, Bermudy, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Canary Islands, Curaçao, Falklandy, Francúzska Guyana, Grónsko, Guadeloupe, Britské indickooceánske územie, Kajmanie ostrovy, Saint Martin (french part), Martinik, Montserrat, Nová Kaledónia, Francúzska Polynézia, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Réunion, Saint Helena, Turks a Caicos, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Virgin Islands (British), Wallis a Futuna

Témy aktivít

Sociálne problémy

Vzdelávanie a odborná príprava

Zamestnanie a podnikanie

Lehota na podávanie prihlášok

termínu na predloženie prihlášky: 15/10/2022