Worldwide Friends-Veraldarvinir

Stadur, Iceland

Termín na podanie prihlášky vypršal.

Opis činnosti

Iceland is at the forefront of renewable energy production, and nearly every home in the country is supplied with heating and energy from renewable energy sources. During your stay, you will be researching this and many more topics….. Your main activity is to develop a curriculum program for environmental education through talks, workshops, activities, courses, meetings, and visits. Update and maintain educational resources and material. Provide workshops to the workcamps remotely or on-site on a daily basis. The work for the majority of the workcamps depends on the weather conditions, when unsuitable to be outdoors, you will be requested to provide activities or workshops for the group. We’re all about flexibility: we expect you to adapt to changes quickly and we encourage you to try new things.

Ubytovanie, strava a doprava

During the workcamps the leaders will share a double or quadruple room in a house fully equipped. Beds are provided, however, volunteers should bring their own warm sleeping bags. Food is provided and everyone is expected to do their fair share of the cooking and cleaning. We provide a well-balanced and healthy variety of food products that includes a wide variety of whole grains, seasonal fruits & vegetables, pantry staples, dairy products, and vegetarian/vegan options. Transportation-related to the workcamps is provided by the organization.

Odborná príprava počas činnosti

The project reflects learning opportunities for the volunteers as well as for our organization and the community where it will take place. By hosting ESC volunteers, we bring another long-term international dimension to the organization with our internship program, educational tours and short-term projects. Discovering many kinds of new techniques related to environmental sustainability, new skills, and a new language, involving children and youngsters in creative sessions, and take responsibility to realize an own project.

Profil účastníka

We are looking for enthusiastic, self-driven candidates who are able to work independently on projects and can bring and implement ideas and all-scale solutions to climate change reduction and sustainable lifestyles. Only open to participants with an Environmental Science background. A Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate level of English is required. Motivated to live with other international volunteers and lead a sustainable lifestyle and fight global warming. Excited to spend Five Months in Iceland. Outdoors personality; hiking, camping, swimming, etc,.

Obdobie činnosti

Za obdobie 13/05/202401/11/2024 celkový počet týždňov: 24

Miesto činnosti

Brú, 500 Stadur Iceland

 Individuálna dobrovoľnícka činnosť

Záujem o účastníkov z týchto krajín

Rakúsko, Belgicko, Nemecko, Dánsko, Španielsko, Fínsko, Francúzsko, Írsko, Taliansko, Luxembursko, Nórsko, Poľsko, Portugalsko, Švédsko

Témy aktivít

Ochrana životného prostredia a prírody

Lehota na podávanie prihlášok

termínu na predloženie prihlášky: 05/04/2024