VEB2023 - Summer

VEB2023 - Summer

Veszprém-Balaton Régió Kultúrájáért Közalapítvány

Veszprém, Hungary

This activity is full, you cannot apply.

Opis činnosti

The project is focusing on Veszprém's annual street music festival. A group of volunteers will participate in tasks carried out in 2023's European Capital of Culture. The main goal is to bring cultures from different countries and give an extra boost to the city. The volunteers will help the guests, and performers during the festival. They will also organize intercultural events with and for local volunteers. There are many programs, and happenings in Veszprém this year. These programs are supported by volunteers and with this project, we will involve international participants as well.

Ubytovanie, strava a doprava

The volunteers will stay in a dormitory, sharing a room with another participant of the same gender. The host organization provides food allowance and pocket money to the volunteers.

Profil účastníka

The ideal participant is interested in culture and community development. Being open-minded and proactive is an advantage. Furthermore, he/she is willing to engage during the whole duration of the volunteering and legally resides in one of the above-mentioned countries.

Obdobie činnosti

Za obdobie 12/07/202328/07/2023 celkový počet týždňov: 2

Miesto činnosti

Veszprém Hungary

 Teams volunteering

Záujem o účastníkov z týchto krajín

Rakúsko, Belgicko, Bulharsko, Cyprus, Česká republika, Nemecko, Dánsko, Estónsko, Grécko, Španielsko, Fínsko, Francúzsko, Chorvátsko, Írsko, Taliansko, Lichtenštajnsko, Litva, Luxembursko, Lotyšsko, Malta, Holandsko, Nórsko, Poľsko, Portugalsko, Rumunsko, Srbsko, Švédsko, Slovinsko, Slovensko

Témy aktivít

Tvorivosť a kultúra

Lehota na podávanie prihlášok

Lehota na podanie prihlášky nie je stanovená