European Solidarity Corps Voluntary project in Poland 9 months

European Solidarity Corps Voluntary project in Poland 9 months

Fundacja Mobilni Polacy

Milicz, Poland

Termín na podanie prihlášky vypršal.

Opis činnosti

The project assumes 9 months of volunteer work in primary schools, with youth and children, and work with disabled people (depending on the host organization - some volunteers work in schools, some with disabled people/children). Project take place in a small town in Lower Silesia, near a large city - Wrocław. More information in the infopack - or on the websites of our and host organizations: About town Milicz , region and nature: Location of Milicz: Location of regional capital city Wrocław: Milicz pounds : Barycz River Valley and forests:

Ubytovanie, strava a doprava

.Volunteers will live in ESC flats kitchen, bathrooms and all standard equipment. Volunteer will share room but only with one person (so - max 2 people in the room). Every volunteer will receive 4 euro per day (around 120 EUR month) of pocket money, and additionally money for food and drinks. In total around 250 euro per month. Enough for living in a small town in Poland. Because Milicz is small city we don't have any local buses or trams, however we provide for volunteers bicycles.

Odborná príprava počas činnosti

2 obligatory training during the project: "On arrival" and "Mid term" evaluation organized by Polish National Agency.

Profil účastníka

Young person between 18-30. Be motivated and dedicated to work. Communicative English. Proactive. Open-mindedness, responsibility and sense of humor are also essential. For this specific project, taking into account it's educational nature, volunteers should feel comfortable in working with children/teenagers and adults, as well as teaching them using non-formal methods. Also working with disabled children can be part of your activities.

Obdobie činnosti

Za obdobie 01/01/202428/02/2025 celkový počet týždňov: 60

Miesto činnosti

Kościuszki 11 , Milicz, 56-300 Milicz Poland

 Individuálna dobrovoľnícka činnosť

Záujem o účastníkov z týchto krajín

Ukrajina, Španielsko, Nemecko, Grécko, Gruzínsko, Taliansko, Bulharsko, Cyprus, Severné Macedónsko, Čierna Hora, Moldova (Republic of), Arménsko, Rumunsko, Francúzsko, Česká republika, Chorvátsko, Lotyšsko, Estónsko, Portugalsko, Švédsko, Fínsko, Dánsko, Litva, Nórsko, Rakúsko, Belgicko, Slovinsko, Slovensko, Maďarsko, Kosovo * UN resolution, Albánsko, Írsko, Island, Malta, Holandsko, Turecko

Témy aktivít

Sociálne problémy

Prijímanie a integrácia utečencov a migrantov

Občianstvo a demokratická účasť

Ochrana životného prostredia a prírody

Vzdelávanie a odborná príprava

Tvorivosť a kultúra

Boj proti diskriminácii (vrátane diskriminácie na základe pohlavia)

Lehota na podávanie prihlášok

termínu na predloženie prihlášky: 15/02/2024