Project and office assistant

Project and office assistant


Zagreb, Croatia

A jelentkezési határidő lejárt.

A tevékenység ismertetése

We provide support to refugees and asylum seekers in different aspects of their inclusion in society through various programs and activities. Some of our activities include social mentorship, career advising, help in active job search, legal advising, digital education... We're looking for a volunteer who'll support us and our beneficiaries through office and project-related activities. Some of the tasks will include administrative office work, assisting our staff in the organization of our activities and in project coordination, assisting in our workshops, meeting and greeting our beneficiaries in the office, giving information about our projects to our beneficiaries, organization of the smaller events, research of policy documents... Potentially, considering the background of the volunteer, the volunteer will be assisting our lawyer in legal advising and advocacy activities.

Szállás, étkezés és utazás

Travel costs: covered according to EU distance calculator; Accommodation: In shared accommodation with other volunteers (possibility of sharing a bedroom with one more volunteer); Monthly allowance of 330 eur (food and pocket money); Public transport: depending of the distance to the office either a bicycle ot tram tickets will be provided; Language support: basic language support through EU platform OLS; Health Insurance coverage and potential visa and residence permit costs coverage.

Képzés a tevékenység során

The organization provides onboarding training for all the volunteers. An On arrival and Mid-term training will be provided by Croatian National Agency and pre-departure training for the volunteer will be organized by the supporting organization.

Résztvevői profil

We're looking for a volunteer who is: interested in the project management field; interested in organizing and searching for new solutions to challenges; has a strong interest in working in an NGO sector in the project management field; is responsible for delivering tasks on time; likes challenges and solving problems; likes to develop and execute new ideas. A background in the legal field and previous interest in the field of coordination, management and similar or in the migration field through educational, working and/or volunteering experiences will be considered a plus.

A tevékenység ideje

Összesen 56 hét 05/01/2024 és 30/01/2025 között

A tevékenység helyszíne

Josipa Seissla 68, 10000 Zagreb Croatia

 Egyéni önkéntes tevékenység

Ebből az országból várunk résztvevőket:

Ausztria, Bosznia-Hercegovina, Belgium, Bulgária, Ciprus, Cseh Köztársaság, Németország, Dánia, Észtország, Görögország, Spanyolország, Finnország, Franciaország, Horvátország, Magyarország, Írország, Izland, Olaszország, Liechtenstein, Litvánia, Luxemburg, Lettország, Montenegró, Málta, Hollandia, Norvégia, Lengyelország, Portugália, Románia, Szerbia, Svédország, Szlovénia, Szlovákia, Ukrajna

A tevékenység témaköre

Társadalmi kihívások

Menekültek és migránsok befogadása és integrációja

Jelentkezési határidő

Jelentkezés határideje: 15/11/2023