Multiplying opportunities for volunteers engagement X

Multiplying opportunities for volunteers engagement X


Barcelona, Spain

Срокът за кандидатстване изтече.

Описание на дейността

COCAT is looking 1 volunteer to support the outgoing area during the International Work Camps Campaign 2024. The volunteer will assist in facilitating the work involved in sending Catalan volunteers abroad and promoting opportunities locally and internationally. The volunteer will most of the time manage administrative tasks and back office work, and collaborate within a team at COCAT's office in Barcelona. This role also will focus on promoting international voluntary service, creating informative materials, participating in informative sessions, organizing the volunteer training sessions, and updating the social media platforms. If you are interested in this opportunity, please send your CV and a brief motivation letter to before the application deadline. We will only considerate EU citizen volunteers.

Настаняване, хранене и транспорт

The volunteer will be responsible for securing accommodation in Barcelona, with support from COCAT if required. Depending on the apartment rental cost, the additional organizational support will be provided to cover the volunteer expenses for food and transportation arrangements.

Обучение по време на дейността

The volunteer will take part in the ESC "Welcome training" at the beginning of the mobility program, and will be engage in the "Middle-term evaluation" training. Additionally, the volunteer will participate in specialized training sessions designed for ESC volunteers collaborating with COCAT.

Профил на участника

Strong motivation for youth voluntary projects, lots of motivation and proactivity, experience in volunteering and back office work, good English level, the consciousness that the project will have a big administrative work. Will be positively valued having participated in a work camp or in other international youth projects (youth exchanges, training), Spanish knowledge, the will to learn Catalan and ability for foreign languages, and experience/interest in communication and social media.

Дати на дейността

Общо 39 седмици в периода от 01/02/2024 до 31/10/2024

Място на дейността

C/Calàbria 120, Baixos, 08015 Barcelona Spain

 Индивидуална доброволческа дейност

Търсим участници от

Австрия, Белгия, Чешка република, Германия, Дания, Естония, Гърция, Финландия, Франция, Унгария, Италия, Нидерландия, Полша, Португалия, Швеция, Словения, Словакия, Украйна

Теми на дейността

Социални предизвикателства

Гражданство и демократично участие

Образование и обучение

Краен срок за подаване на кандидатури

Срок за подаване на заявлението: 01/01/2024