Permaculture teaching materials, events and food growing

Permaculture teaching materials, events and food growing


Ísafjörður, Iceland

Срокът за кандидатстване изтече.

Описание на дейността

Gróandi is a small organization that has been focusing on permaculture education and growing healthy, chemical- and packaging free food for the wider community with sustainable methods for the last 8 years. We welcome you to take part in three different long term activities that we are running this year: >> Developing teaching materials to incorporate sustainability learning into math and social science and make teaching materials for kids to grow food during school hours. The materials will be tested by schools in Iceland, Norway & Denmark. >> Holding varied Permaculture Events & Courses (online or in person). Promote sustainable living and community building - empower people to make the change! >> Growing healthy food, taking part in running the a CSA open to the public of Ísafjörður. Hands-on learning about effective sustainable ways to grow variety of vegetables, herbs and berries, both in greenhouses & outdoor growing areas.

Настаняване, хранене и транспорт

Gróandi is in Ísafjörður, a little town in the Westfjords of Iceland. Volunteers would have accommodation close to the town center - walking distance to all service and to Gróandi's working facilities. Private room, or shared with one other volunteer, sharing toilet and kitchen with other volunteers. Regarding weather: the summer is mild - not warm. In the summer it's bright all the time, while in the deepest wintertime there's only few hours of daylight. Sometimes there's a snowstorm - sometimes still & beautiful winter weather. Plenty of northern lights and skiing possibilities.

Обучение по време на дейността

You will have access to different kind of training through the activities: >> Developing sustainability teaching materials - training in making teaching materials, illustrations and development of it's accessibility over the internet - testing and evaluation process >> Holding varied Permaculture Events & Courses (online or in person). - training in planning, marketing and holding events & courses >> Growing healthy food, taking part in running the our CSA - hands on experience and learning about sustainable growing methods - social media storytelling to engage the community

Профил на участника

We are looking for people that: > are enthusiastic about permaculture and sustainable practices > excited to take part in making teaching materials (have teaching background) > excellent language skills in English, Norwegian, Danish or Icelandic > would like to take part in growing food for the whole community. > queer friendly > good social skills --- The dates suggested are not precise. If you think you would be a good match for these activities and would like to stay for 10-12 months, then feel free to contact us and see if your availability fits with ours.

Дати на дейността

Общо 50 седмици в периода от 15/05/2024 до 01/05/2025

Място на дейността

Fjarðarstræti 47, 400 Ísafjörður Iceland

 Индивидуална доброволческа дейност

Търсим участници от

Австрия, Белгия, България, Чешка република, Германия, Дания, Естония, Гърция, Испания, Финландия, Франция, Хърватия, Унгария, Исландия, Италия, Лихтенщайн, Литва, Люксембург, Малта, Нидерландия, Норвегия, Полша, Португалия, Швеция, Словения, Словакия, Гренландия, Латвия

Теми на дейността

Социални предизвикателства

Околна среда и опазване на природата

Здраве и благополучие

Образование и обучение

Творчество и култура

Хранене и селско стопанство за собствени нужди

Краен срок за подаване на кандидатури

Срок за подаване на заявлението: 25/04/2024