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Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

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Our motherland, a land of opportunities

<p>… The harm is being blind when you are lucky enough to see</p> <p>The harm is having been all your life long privileged without saying once thanks …</p>

Our motherland, a land of opportunities

When I woke up for the first time, I was European

When I studied hard for several years, I was European

When I graduated, I was European

When I got sick, I was European

When I was bored, I was European

When I voted, I was European

1 action of mine is worth 28 ones because I am European.


And so?


I saw so many people fighting to enter this Union

I saw so many people risking their lives to enter this Union

I saw so many people digging into their family tree to enter this Union

I saw so many people breaking their personal values to enter this Union

I saw so many people hoping for a better life thanks to this Union

Because unlike me, unlike you, unlike us, they were not born in a lucky place.


So what?


This is life, isn’t it?

Some people have and some people don’t.


What is the harm?


The harm is being blind when you are lucky enough to see

The harm is fighting to get out of this Union when you were born in it

The harm is having been all your life long privileged without saying once thanks

The harm is getting rid of 27 nationalities, 27 life opportunities in a snap of fingers

Because believe it or not, this Union is a land of opportunities, of tolerance and peace.


And then?


They live with war while we live with peace

They live with fears while we live with hope

They live on a river while we live on an ocean

No boundary, just a horizon of hopes and opportunities.


To me, when I wake up I am European

To you, when you wake up you are European

To us, when we wake up we are European

To them, when they dream they are European.


The European Union is a land of opportunities

Lucky you! You are part of this opportunity

Open your eyes, your ears and your mind

To look at your 28 life opportunities and beyond.

Beyond your borders, they are the others.


Who are they?


They are the ones who help you be happy

Happy, because you realize what you have

Happy, because you have no borders to your dream

Happy, because you dream and you are allowed to

Happy, because you are allowed to have your voice heard

Happy, because your voice can contribute to build a better world

Happy, because you were born in a world full of opportunities

Happy, because you are part of this Union.


Because believe it or not, this Union is a land of opportunities, of tolerance and peace.