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Euroopa solidaarsuskorpus

Koostegemise jõud

Living Landscapes, Ulster Wildlife (ONLY VOLS FROM DE/PT/HU/FR/ES/FI)

Ulster Wildlife Trust Limited

Belfast, Ühendkuningriik


The volunteer will assist the Living Landscapes Manager with conservation work throughout Northern Ireland. • Support the “Be there for Barn Owl” project including the national survey and barn owl box delivery and erection • Assist the fieldwork in the Red Squirrels United project including live trapping and camera trapping • Support delivery of data management elements of the projects including grey squirrel least cost pathway modelling effort, grey squirrel control training and community awareness • Data management including the maintenance of the Barn Owl database and scoring matrix and support the Red Squirrels United GIS mapping and report procedures • Other GIS work as required • Assist with campaigns and public events • Placements will have the flexibility outside of their daily duties to engage with other fields of Ulster Wildlife work that they are interested in

Majutus, toitlustus, transport

Volunteers will live in shared accommodation in South or East Belfast, along with Erasmus+ volunteers from other projects. Volunteers will have their own bedroom and will share kitchen, living room & bathroom. The volunteer will receive food money and volunteer allowance weekly and will be provided with a bus card for local travel.

Koolitused tegevuse ajal

The volunteer will receive induction and orientation on arrival and will receive appropriate role-related training. They will be registered onto the OLS system to support with language learning. The volunteer will attend the Erasmus+ On Arrival Training.

Osaleja profiil

The volunteer MUST be from one of the countries listed (Spain, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Portugal). Ideally we would like to find a volunteer who is interested in species identification, ecology & conservation management. Since the role will involve work with the public & work in the office, good verbal & written communication skills are useful, as are good IT skills. GIS essential but training can be given. The volunteer must be comfortable with the concept of removing non native invasive species (including grey squirrels) for the protection of native & priority species

Tegevuse kuupäevad

Alates 01/10/2019 Kuni 29/02/2020

Tegevuse koht

Belfast, Ühendkuningriik

Üksikisiku vabatahtlik tegevus

Otsitakse osalejaid järgmisest riigist:

Saksamaa, Hispaania, Soome, Prantsusmaa, Ungari, Portugal

Tegevuse valdkonnad

Avalduse esitamise tähtaeg

Taotluse esitamise tähtaeg: 11/09/2019 23:59