Alternativi International

Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

3 , Avatud

Projekti kirjeldus

The project will focus on: -providing local youth access to quality youth information and counseling on career development, mobility programs, volunteering, personal development; -providing alternative to local youth for organizing activities for their leisure time by organizing thematic clubs, summer camps, cultural workshops, youth festivals; -promoting volunteering and EVS and inclusion of local young people to the values of volunteering. -To organize the free time of youth,there will be themathic workshops organized according to the interests of the volunteers such as music, cooking, culture, traditions, sports to be an alternative for local youth on their free time spending.


Majutus, toitlustus, transport

Accomodation: The volunteers will be accommodated for free with full utility bills paid in fully furnished apartment in double room with another person from the same gender. There will be free wifi connection for the whole duration of the service. Food: The volunteers will be receiving 110 euros per month Transportation: Participants’ travel costs from their home city to Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria will be reimbursed on actual expenses of the participants and also according to bands in http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/resources_en#tab-1-4


Koolitused projekti ajal

- On arrival organized by Receiving organization - Evaluation organized by Receiving organization


Vabatahtliku profiil

- All participants must be over 18 years old - All participants must be currently residing in the country they will represent and be able to prove it if needed with documents - Open minded , willing to volunteer and motivated to be part of our team


Kuidas taotleda?

-Send CV and motivation letter to yia.alternativi@gmail.com with subject [EVS Academy - Application] -Your documents will be reviewed within 2 days and you will be notified


This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Projekti toimumisaeg:

Kokku 8 nädalat ajavahemikul 31/07/201731/08/2017

Projekti asukoht

8 Krali Marko, 2700 Blagoevgrad Bulgaria

Otsitakse vabatahtlikke järgmisest riigist:

Hispaania, Itaalia

Projektide teemad

Noored (osalemine, noorsootöö, noorsoopoliitika)

Loovus ja kultuur

Taotluse esitamise tähtaeg

Taotluse esitamise tähtaeg: 10/06/2017


Name: Georgi Kuzmanov

Phone: 00359888122125

Vastuvõttev organisatsioon


RAZLOG, Bulgaaria

kordineeriv organisatsioon


RAZLOG, Bulgaaria