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Euroopa solidaarsuskorpus

Koostegemise jõud

The Green City Project 2

Fundatia Life Tineret

Oradea, Rumeenia


Tasks of volunteers 1. Life tree nursery - here volunteers assist in planting new trees and arbusts, taking care of them, plant these trees and arbusts in Oradea 2. The Green Path -an area of the river Peta through Oradea city where we take care of the green space near the river - we prunn trees, wet trees planted in the last year, plant arbusts, organise community actions where kids and families learn to plant trees and arbusts 3. Awareness raising actions about Climate Change, Zero waste, Composting, Collective Gardening WHAT WE OFFER - learning environment where EVS volunteers can learn skills related to planting, maintaining trees and arbusts, learning skills they can use in educational activities for kids - learning about Climate Change and promote the concept of Climate Change in Oradea community - develop Action plan skills, team skills and intercultural learning skills -learning environment where volunteers can practice and improve their english speaking skills

Majutus, toitlustus, transport

Accommodation - in apartments in Oradea city very close to public transportation and shoping areas Each volunteer will his / her own room. Renting apartments and all utilities are covered by Coordinating organisation WIFI is available in the apartment Food - volunteers receive an amount of money for food at the beginning of each month International transport - covered according to the rules of Erasmus+ maximum covered ( Spain – 360 Euro; Germany - 275 Euro) Local transport - for entire period we cover a monthly pass which allows transport with all local buses and trams

Koolitused tegevuse ajal

The trainings provided by National Agency of Erasmus+ in Romania - respectively On Arrival Training Sending and Coordinating organisations -provide support and help volunteers in the Preparation phase Coordinating organisation provides: - orientation at arrival - training about how to work with the team in taking care of the trees and arbusts in the Life Tree Nursery and at Green Path Ovidiu - supervision, monitoring and feedback during volunteers active involvement -supervision and mentoring in organising activities dedicated to promote Climate Change concept - periodic evaluations

Osaleja profiil

IDEAL Candidate Young people 18 to 30 years from the 2 countries.- Germany, Spain We are looking for : - boys or girls - people curios and willing to learn to work in outdoor activities, people willing to learn about NATURE, about Green Cities, about how to plant, take care/ maintain trees in public spaces and in tree nurseries - young people willing to learn and open minded - people able to speak english basic to middle level - people passionate about Climate Change and interested to be active promoters in awareness activities about climate change, Zero Waste and Composting

Tegevuse kuupäevad

Alates 01/10/2018 Kuni 10/09/2019

Tegevuse koht

Cuza Voda Nr.17, Oradea, Rumeenia

Üksikisiku vabatahtlik tegevus

Otsitakse osalejaid järgmisest riigist:

Saksamaa, Hispaania

Tegevuse valdkonnad

Environment and natural protection

Avalduse esitamise tähtaeg

Taotluse esitamise tähtaeg: 27/09/2018 23:59