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Euroopa solidaarsuskorpus

Koostegemise jõud

No One Is Out



Palermo, Itaalia


The volunteer will implement activities related to migrants integration in Palermo targeting asylum seekers, refugees and young migrants; the activities could be run in shelter or reception centers and/or CESIE. The service activity will be long 10 months; from the beginning of September to the beginning of July. Activities in CESIE office: · Conceptualization, design and implementation of educational and cultural workshops for disadvantage target groups. · Support hosting organization projects in terms of project management (research, project writing, preparation and implementation of international training, preparation and implementation of local activities in educational field), ICT and communication (multimedia and cross-media production, editorial production and desktop publishing, web communication) and/or office management. · Conceptualization, design and implementation of a personal project on the same topic.

Majutus, toitlustus, transport

The volunteers will live together in a flat with other volunteers of other projects of CESIE in the city centre. The volunteer will share bedroom with another volunteer of the same gender. The cost of electricity, water, gas, are covered. Bed clothes and towels will not be provided. The management and the cleaning of the room have to be done in agreement with the other residents. The working places are very close to accommodation and language lessons therefore it is easy to move by foot. Pocket & Food money for the mobility period has around an amount of EUR 295 per month.

Koolitused tegevuse ajal

The following working and educational methods will be applied: • Participatory and learner-centred method: volunteers will be encouraged in developing their ideas and creativity by proposing activities that could enrich the receiving organizations’ work while developing their individual/group project. • Experiential learning • Cooperative learning • Peer learning • Entrepreneurial education • Outdoor and creative activities.

Osaleja profiil

! Resident in Greece! • Over 18 years old; • Interested in activities organisation, especially in the field of migrants inclusion and integration; • Previous experience in key areas of the project are not required; • Communicative level of English; • Interest to work with young people and in an international environment; • Interest in civic engagement; • Interest in working in the non-governmental sector; • Willing to live and work in new environment; • Willing to live and work in other cultural setting; • Be open to cooperation;

Tegevuse kuupäevad

Alates 01/09/2018 Kuni 30/06/2019

Tegevuse koht

Via Roma 94, Palermo, Itaalia

Üksikisiku vabatahtlik tegevus

Otsitakse osalejaid järgmisest riigist:


Tegevuse valdkonnad

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

Avalduse esitamise tähtaeg

Taotluse esitamise tähtaeg: 23/07/2018 23:59