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Hva er Det europeiske ungdomsåret?

2022 er Det europeiske ungdomsåret. Ungdom i Europa spiller en viktig rolle i å bygge en bedre framtid, som er grønnere, mer inkluderende og digital. La din stemme bli hørt! Grip mulighetene til å lære noe nytt, møte nye mennesker og dele dine håp og visjoner for framtida etter pandemien. Du kan delta på en rekke initiativer over hele Europa. Bli med på #EYY2022 du også!

The Year in numbers!

91.4 million+ citizens reached
13000+ activities organised

Read all the results

What do young journalists think?

Read their articles and stories

What is the EU doing for youth?

Have a look! View the Policy Dialogues

Catch up with the latest news

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67 countries
13000+ activities
Youth participation, Youth and the world, Culture, Inclusion and equality, Education,
European values, Health and climate

Voices of young Europeans

Explore what young European journalists have to say
Get inspired by young people all over Europe
Views & hopes for the future
Check them outTake part!


Stay up-to-date with the latest on European Youth

What is the EU doing for youth?

Programmes and funded opportunities