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ERASMUS+ Virtual Exchange

The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project 2018-2020 is now finished. Please stay tuned to the European Youth Portal for further developments!

Markéta // Czechia

Markéta is a Master student in European and Regional Project Management from Czechia. For 5 weeks she explored and discussed the current challenges posed by hate speech. She also collaboratively worked towards creating a campaign to counter hate speech.

“This was my first experience in Virtual Exchange. After the first online session, I could not wait for the next one. Discussions were enriching and I met people from all around the world.
At University we use books to learn about things and we follow different theories. Teachers are the authority, responsible for giving the solution and final explanation.

This experience was all about practice, comparing different examples, sharing experiences and learning from others. We were all equal and there were no right or wrong answers.
I think we found friendship in our online group, I had the chance to listen to so many different stories and understand things from different perspectives. Now I’m so much more open-minded. In my group there were a lot of Muslims, I never had the chance before to understand new religions.

I also learned about legal actions, case studies, degrees of hate speech and many other things about which I think in my everyday life when I see behaviour of people around me. I am now facing the challenge of thinking before speaking".

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