European Solidarity Corps
The European Solidarity Corps is an EU funded programme that provides support and funding for young people to spend some time doing voluntary work in their own country or abroad in projects that benefit communities and people. Once you are accepted onto a European Solidarity Corps project, all your expenses (rent, food, transport, insurance, visa procedures, language classes) are covered by the project, and you even get a bit of pocket money to enjoy your experience fully! Your travel costs are also covered although there may be a minimal contribution required. Volunteering teams are solidarity activities allowing teams of 10 to 40 European Solidarity Corps participants from at least two different countries to volunteer together for a period between two weeks and two months. Such solidarity activities could especially contribute to the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities in the European Solidarity Corps.
Long Term Volunteering with VSI
VSI Long Term Volunteering Programme enable people to volunteer from 3-12 months on a variety of voluntary work projects. The projects are of benefit to local communities and voluntary organisations mainly in Europe and North America but with a growing number of projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
International Volunteer Projects in Europe, North America, Australia & Japan with VSI
The work varies greatly, examples are peace projects, nature conservation work, community projects with children, the elderly, and refugees, community arts projects and restoration of historical monuments. As a volunteer you only need to work as hard as you are able.
International volunteering placements with Comhlámh
Comhlámh international volunteering short and long term placements (some of them require a fee, others might offer a stipend)
More information and organisations active in this field
Voluntary Service International (VSI)Voluntary Service International (VSI) is the Irish branch of Service Civil International (SCI), a worldwide movement working for peace and international understanding through international voluntary service projects ( VSI was founded in 1965 and since then has organised annual programmes of voluntary service (International Volunteer Projects, EVS, ESC, Youth Exchanges; local voluntary service, etc.) both internationally and in Ireland. VSI promotes peace, social justice, sustainable development and intercultural understanding through volunteering abroad and in Ireland and works with people of all ages and backgrounds to volunteer with them and support their programmes. VSI also works with young people (18-30), including young people with fewer opportunities and young people with disabilities to: • promote the social inclusion of young people • raise young people’s awareness of their rights, peace and social justice, sustainable development, the environment and intercultural understanding • foster young people’s active citizenship • promote young people’s civic engagement • develop young people’s skills and competencies and enhance their employability.
ComhlámhComhlámh is the Irish association of volunteers and development workers which offers supports and services to people thinking about international volunteering. Comhlámh offers information and advice about the variety of diverse international volunteering placements (some of them require a fee, others might offer a stipend) on offer and pre-departure training for a number of volunteers’ sending agencies. They also offer support for people when they come home, in the guise of our group and individual debriefing services, Coming Home Weekends and ongoing, active membership groups. You can follow Comhlámh on their VolOps channel, which is the section of Comhlámh dealing with international volunteering information, and we also have a FREE online course called “Where do I start?” for people thinking about global placements. Comhlámh have a code of good practice, to ensure responsible and responsive volunteering practices, that has been signed by over 40 volunteer sending agencies. Comhlámh can help you find the volunteer sending agency that best matches what you are looking for either online or in a face-to-face information session in their office. You can read more about Comhlámh volunteering options and some stories from international volunteers here:
United National VolunteersAre you ready to become an international UN Volunteer? You can contribute your time, skills and knowledge through volunteering with the UN. This is an opportunity to create a positive impact and be a significant force for achieving peace and development. Make a difference to the lives of many! United Nations Volunteers (UNV) has many different areas in which you can volunteer, from emergency relief to ICT.
Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF)WWOOF stands for Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms – is where a volunteer works on an organic farm in exchange for accommodation and food. Many hosts only require 4-6 hours work per day for 5 days, however this differs between hosts and depends on whether accommodation and food or just accommodation are offered. The sites listed may require a small fee for viewing all details of hosts.
Interesting links
#VolOpsYou can find here four editions of Comhlámh magazine called VolOps showing different aspects of the international volunteering cycle
Impact of volunteering on young people's livesIn this video Irish and Greek volunteers talk about the impact of volunteering abroad on their lives and about support they received from Eurodesk multipliers before and during their international volunteering placements.