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Ukrainian Volunteer for Youth Project in Brandenburg wanted!

Vereinigung junger Freiwilliger e.V.

KiEZ Hölzener See

Heidesee, Německo


The KiEZ Hölzener See is located in a wooded area of 165.000 m² in the National Park of Dahme – Heidensee, the nearest city is Königs Wusterhausen. It is about 50 km (1 ½ hour) away from Berlin centre, therefore the volunteers should be aware that the KiEZ is relatively isolated. Only a few busses are going from this place to the next village or town. KiEZ Hölzener See is a children’s recreation centre in Brandenburg and approximately 200.000 juveniles visit the centre each year. Most of the groups come from Berlin and Brandenburg, but young people from the Netherlands, Russia and Poland also visit the KiEZ. Hölzener See is run in a non – profit way. Besides accommodation and food, the centre offers an extensive program of educational projects and varied recreational activities for children and young people including culture, sports and environmental themes as well as historical topics, health and tolerance projects.

Ubytování, stravování, doprava

Accommodation & Food: The volunteer will be living in a house at KiEZ Hölzener See. He/She will have her/his own room. Also full board is given at KiEZ Hölzener See – just during holidays or according to prior agreement the volunteers will receive money to provide their own food. Pocket money: will be provided on a monthly basis. It is about 150 Euro per month. Local transport: The volunteer will be given a monthly pass for the public transport in Berlin.

Odborná příprava během činnosti

The volunteers are going to receive support and information before the start of their service. In Germany, they are going to participate in mandatory seminars. This way we are ensuring that the volunteers are going to be able to make the most of their time and have the chance for rapid personal development. In the youth centers the volunteers are going to be assigned a mentor to help. Another mentor, working for the VJF, is helping out with bureaucratical hurdles and problems that may be occurring in the working environment.

Profil účastníka

As a volunteer at Hölzener See it is an advantage to have a good knowledge of German in order to be able to communicate with co-workers and visitors. Working at Hölzerner See requires teamwork spirit as well as the ability to work independently. Be prepared to work with children a lot, so good communication skills helpful. The volunteer should be open and willing to introduce his/ her cultural background to the visitors of the youth club, as well as his/ her own experiences in the field of youth work. Some computer skills are helpful for supporting PR actions and preparations of fairs etc....

Období činnosti

od 02/09/2019 do 30/09/2020

Místo činnosti

Zum Hölzernen See 1, Heidesee, Německo

Individuální dobrovolnictví

Vyhledávání účastníků z

Témata aktivity

Citizenship and democratic participation

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Lhůta podání přihlášky

podle lhůty přihlášek: 05/04/2019 23:59