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EUROPE IS OUR HOME is a VE project that will take place in Puente Genil (Córdoba, Spain). Europe 2020 Association will host 3 volunteers from Spain between September 15, 2020 and August 15, 2021. The purpose of this project is for young volunteers to improve their skills, gain more training and experience and increase their social and personal skills. The objectives of this project can be summarized in the following - Improve the level of skills and key competences of young people - Promote PARTICIPATION in Europe and active citizenship, decision making, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity - Train young people for the world of work - Promote your self-esteem - Promote inclusion in a new environment - Increase their autonomy to function in different contexts For their part, volunteers should have the following profile: - The volunteer will be between 18 and 30 years old at the beginning of their volunteer activity.

Ubytování, stravování, doprava

The volunteer will be hosted in a shared apartment with other volunteers, located in the center of the town. For this reason, the volunteer won’t need to take public transportation to move around. The volunteer will receive, monthly, an amount of money for food (160€) per month) and pocket money (150 € per month). Regarding the communication, Puente Genil is well connected with the main cities of Andalusia, having a high speed railway line that connects with different cities of Spain. In addition, there are also daily buses from Puente Genil to other towns and cities of Andalusia.

Odborná příprava během činnosti

The volunteers will have to attend to two trainings during your volunteering in Puente Genil: The first training will be one week during the first month since his/her arrival. The second training will be at the middle of his/her volunteering activity.

Profil účastníka

We are looking for volunteers who: - are from Spain - are between age 18 to 30 when his /her SVE starts. We will value if the applicant: - has interest in working in international youth work in the context of non-formal education in the revitalization of events and activities, youth participation and management of European projects - has knowledge of Spanish and English language. - has social skills, assertiveness, empathy, flexibility - has social media and digital competences - has motivation and energy - has capacity to adapt to a work methodology

Období činnosti

od 15/09/2020 do 15/08/2021

Místo činnosti

Paseo Antonio Fernández Díaz Fosforito s/n,, PUENTE GENIL, Španělsko

Individuální dobrovolnictví

Vyhledávání účastníků z


Témata aktivity

Education and training

Lhůta podání přihlášky

podle lhůty přihlášek: 10/09/2020 23:59