Anne Frank Youth Network 2023/2024
Anne Frank House
Amsterdam, Nizozemsko
[Applications, along with an obligatory motivation letter & CV, must both go via the ESC portal and to the email] The volunteer will contribute to the educational activities of the Anne Frank House (AFH). Based in Amsterdam, the ESC volunteer will mainly assist the Anne Frank Youth Network (AFYN) and the educational toolbox against discrimination Stories that Move (StM). The daily work consists of managing social media, keeping in touch with the Dutch and international members of AFYN, doing research, preparing workshops and providing practical assistance. The activities of the AFH aim to tell the story of Anne Frank and the history of her time. The AFH also makes this history relevant for today. Please visit the website of the Anne Frank House (section: ‘education’) for details regarding the educational outreach activities, including AFYN and StM. The AFH is looking for two ESC volunteers. The ESC project at the AFH will start on 1 September 2023 until 31 August 2024.
Ubytování, stravování, doprava
The Anne Frank House provides accommodation for individual use (a studio apartment with kitchen and bathroom) at a distance of approx. 4 km from the office. Further, a monthly instalment of €500 pocket money will be provided.
Odborná příprava během činnosti
The volunteers will be introduced to the educational concepts of the AFH and they will learn how to work in a project team. At the start of the service, the standard ESC language course will be offered.
Profil účastníka
For the ESC 2023/2024 project we’re looking for volunteers who: 1. Have organisational skills; 2. Know how to work with social media; 3. Like to do educational work with young people, especially in a non-formal setting; 4. Identify with the goals and the pedagogical approach of the Anne Frank House.
Období činnosti
od 01/09/2023 do 31/08/2024
Místo činnosti
Westermarkt 10, Amsterdam, Nizozemsko
Individuální dobrovolnictví
Vyhledávání účastníků z
Rakousko, Belgie, Bulharsko, Kypr, Česká republika, Německo, Dánsko, Estonsko, Řecko, Španělsko, Finsko, Francie, Chorvatsko, Maďarsko, Irsko, Island, Itálie, Lichtenštejnsko, Litva, Lucembursko, Lotyšsko, Malta, Norsko, Polsko, Portugalsko, Rumunsko, Švédsko, Slovinsko, Slovensko
Témata aktivity
Citizenship and democratic participation
Education and training
Creativity and culture
Lhůta podání přihlášky
podle lhůty přihlášek: 04/06/2023 23:59