Viseu Jovem 23

Adamastor - Associação Cultural
Viseu, Portugalsko
The volunteers will be integrated into the activities already developed by Adamastor for the Youth Center of Viseu. They will also help in the dissemination and promotion of Erasmus+, ESC programmes as well events and activities organized or with the support of Adamastor (e.g. Municipality of Viseu, Instituto Português da Juventude e Desporto, Agência Nacional Erasmus+ JA). The volunteers will have the chance to organize games, workshops, animations, presentations, events for children and young people. There is also an opportunity to organize their own project and to have tutoring during the process. The volunteers will act as assistants to the coordinators of our activities, including especially support for the promotion. Thanks to that experience they can gain an experience in videos and photos making for social media, e.g. creating graphics, taking and processing photos, creating stories for social media, videos, but mainly they can become responsible of some activities.
Ubytování, stravování, doprava
The volunteers will be accommodated at Pousada de Juventude de Viseu, owned by the organization ( in shared rooms (shared only with other volunteers). The hostel has a full equipped kitchen where the volunteers can prepare their own meals, with the exception of the breakfast that is provided every morning from 7.30am to 10am. Food and pocket money is 10€ per day. The travel will be reimbursed until the limited covered by ESC with the delivery of tickets, boarding pass, etc. Please read the infopack of the project to get to know more about the conditions.
Odborná příprava během činnosti
The volunteers will be trained on: Non-formal education; ESC and Erasmus+ programmes; Cultural diversity, intercultural learning, living in a intercultural environment, healthy lifestyles, sports as a tool for social inclusion and wellbeing; Portuguese language and culture; Youthpass; Through several workshops and sessions, along the whole project, the volunteer acquire skills and abilities as team work, effective communication and time management. National Agency provides on-arrival and mid-term trainings (online or presencial) only for long term activities.
Profil účastníka
We are looking for volunteers who are creative, willing to spend time with children/youngsters. They should show interest in organizing educational activities, socializing and impacting the community; creative with initiative; share the values and ideals about solidarity and European identity; willing to learn Portuguese, able to work in a team; responsible, flexible; motivated by this project and able to attend the full duration of the project. To know more about the project please contact us: of follow us in the social networks fb/adamastorviseu and insta/adamastorviseu
Období činnosti
A total of 26 week(s) during the period 01/03/2023 to 31/12/2023
Místo činnosti
Rua Cônsul Aristides Sousa Mendes, Viseu, Portugalsko
Individuální dobrovolnictví
Vyhledávání účastníků z
Rakousko, Belgie, Bulharsko, Canary Islands, Kypr, Česká republika, Německo, Dánsko, Estonsko, Řecko, Španělsko, Finsko, Francie, Chorvatsko, Maďarsko, Irsko, Itálie, Lichtenštejnsko, Litva, Lucembursko, Lotyšsko, Moldova (Republic of), Černá Hora, Severní Makedonie, Malta, Nizozemsko, Norsko, Polsko, Portugalsko, Rumunsko, Srbsko, Švédsko, Slovinsko, Slovensko, Turecko, Ukrajina
Témata aktivity
Social challenges
Citizenship and democratic participation
Environment and natural protection
Education and training
Employment and entrepreneurship
Creativity and culture
Physical education and sport
Working against discrimination (including gender discrimination)
Lhůta podání přihlášky
Lhůta k podání přihlášky není stanovena