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Euroopa solidaarsuskorpus

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Eski Avrupa Gonullu Hizmeti Gonulluleri Genclik Dernegi

United Societies of Balkans

Thessaloniki, Kreeka


This volunteering activity will be implemented in Stratoni, a village in the Aristotelis Municipality(Halkidiki), in the context of preserving tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Volunteers will need to organize events with music, traditional food recipes and traditional dances from the countries of the volunteers involved, create outputs such as videos, photo galleries or articles related to migrations and cultural heritage, a specific focus is going to be on the common cultural heritage between Greece and Turkey. As part of their activities they will also organize non-formal education workshops with methods to offer an in-depth look in the subject of migrations and cultural heritage to children. They will participate in physically demanding activities to help improve the village's spaces, such as painting sidewalks and local buildings, etc. cultural heritage between Greece and Turkey.

Majutus, toitlustus, transport

During the project, the support organization will provide accommodation at a two-floor seaside community center in Stratoni, which is designed for hosting training teams and furnished with the relevant equipment. It includes common spaces, a kitchen, bathrooms, internet connection, all electronic machines and a spacious green space, and it is a 1-minute walk to the beach. The organisation will provide 150 euro per month as food allowance (and 150 euro as pocket money). They will also be able to cook in the provided kitchen.

Koolitused tegevuse ajal

This volunteering activity will be implemented in Stratoni, a village in the Aristotelis Municipality(Halkidiki), in the context of preserving tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Volunteers will need to organize events with music, traditional food recipes and traditional dances from the countries of the volunteers involved, create outputs such as videos, photo galleries or articles related to migrations and cultural heritage, a specific focus is going to be on the common cultural heritage between Greece and Turkey.

Osaleja profiil

The participants will have to be between 18 and 30 years old and be genuinely interested in the project. The knowledge of the English language is going to be considered since English is going to be the language of communication between the participant and the organisation, but it won’t represent a pre-requisite, especially for the participants with fewer opportunities. A very basic knowledge of Greek or English is though required, for them to have at least one communication language to be used in the field and in case of need or emergency.

Tegevuse kuupäevad

Alates 03/05/2023 Kuni 07/07/2023

Tegevuse koht

Al. Delmouzou 8,, Thessaloniki, Kreeka

Üksikisiku vabatahtlik tegevus

Otsitakse osalejaid järgmisest riigist:


Tegevuse valdkonnad

Environment and natural protection

Avalduse esitamise tähtaeg

Taotluse esitamise tähtaeg: 31/03/2023 23:59