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Euroopa solidaarsuskorpus

Koostegemise jõud

If You See a Need, Take the Lead

Hrvatska škola Outward Bound


Veliki Žitnik, Gospić, Horvaatia


17.7. - 30.7.2023. Outward Bound educational center in Veliki Žitnik, Croatia Detailed infopack on this link: A 2 week volunteering experience, planned activities where you will: Help in environmental actions - cleaning the river banks and local forest treils, comming up with solutinons for garbage deposal; Maintaining of the OBC Educational center grounds and help for people in local community - gardening, garbage clean-up, cleaning up of trails, help with preparation for winter; Spend great 2 weeks with 25 volunteers from different countries, practicing English, exchanging experiences, culture, ideas and making international friends

Majutus, toitlustus, transport

Accommodation and food covered. Travel cost refunded by the Erasmus+ distance calculator: 180/210€ if your place is in the range of 100 - 499km from Veliki Žitnik by the Erasmus+ distance calculator 275/ 320 € if your place is in the range of 500 - 1999 km from Veliki Žitnik by the Erasmus+ distance calculator Arrival day is 16.7. and departure day 31.7.

Koolitused tegevuse ajal

Volunteers will be supported by the team of professionals from Outward Bound Croatia:

Osaleja profiil

Age: 18 - 30. Motivated for volunteering and community work, no previous experience required. Priority for participants facing fewer opportunities (facing economic, social, cultural, geographical obstacles). This project is for you if you are motivated to spend 2 weeks in beautiful nature on a Croatian region of Lika helping the environment and the local community. Enjoy spending time outdoors and working with hands? Not afraid of physical work? Open towards new people and experiences, living together and working in a team? Ready to develop new skills and competences?

Tegevuse kuupäevad

Alates 17/07/2023 Kuni 30/07/2023

Tegevuse koht

Veliki Žitnik 17, Veliki Žitnik, Gospić, Horvaatia

Vabatahtlike rühmad

Otsitakse osalejaid järgmisest riigist:

Austria, Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina, Bulgaaria, Küpros, Tšehhi Vabariik, Saksamaa, Taani, Eesti, Kreeka, Hispaania, Soome, Prantsusmaa, Gruusia, Horvaatia, Ungari, Iirimaa, Island, Itaalia, Leedu, Luksemburg, Läti, Montenegro, Põhja-Makedoonia, Malta, Madalmaad, Norra, Poola, Portugal, Rumeenia, Serbia, Rootsi, Sloveenia, Slovakkia, Ukraina, Kosovo * UN resolution

Tegevuse valdkonnad

Environment and natural protection

Creativity and culture

Avalduse esitamise tähtaeg

Taotluse esitamise tähtaeg: 10/07/2023 23:59