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Evropský sbor solidarity

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Centre Social Maria Pia

Biarritz, Francie


The social centre Maria Pia in the city of Biarritz (25,000 inhabitants-extreme southwest of France), will host 1 volunteer. The main objective of this project is to be part of cultural, social, digital and environmental activities with the local community. The volunteer will be involved in various community projects with different partners and age groups. He/She will take an active part in a leisure activities centre for children aged 3 to 17. The volunteer will also support some children after school and help them in their relationship with school, discuss their experiences at school and help them to learn in a positive and supportive way. The volunteer will be in contact with vulnerable individuals and will offer participative activities and support in the use of basic digital tools for the public. He/She will participate in developing a range of practices and projects to help reduce our footprint and raise public awareness of the impact of our actions on our ecosystem.

Ubytování, stravování, doprava

The volunteer will have a room fully equipped, and rented by the hosting organisation. The volunteer will receive a monthly budget for food and pocket money. The city will provide him/her with a bicycle and an annual public bus pass.

Odborná příprava během činnosti

The volunteer will participate in the on-arrival and midterm training.

Profil účastníka

The volunteer should be interested in youth animation, the senior public, non-formal education and event organisation. The volunteer should be inclined to work with vulnerable individuals. As the volunteer will be in frequent contact with the French-speaking local population, a good command of French is essential.

Období činnosti

od 01/10/2024 do 01/10/2025

Místo činnosti

Biarritz, Francie

Individuální dobrovolnictví

Vyhledávání účastníků z

Rakousko, Belgie, Bulharsko, Kypr, Česká republika, Německo, Dánsko, Estonsko, Řecko, Španělsko, Finsko, Chorvatsko, Maďarsko, Irsko, Itálie, Litva, Lucembursko, Lotyšsko, Malta, Nizozemsko, Polsko, Portugalsko, Rumunsko, Švédsko, Slovinsko, Slovensko

Témata aktivity

Social challenges

Citizenship and democratic participation

Creativity and culture

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