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Evropský sbor solidarity

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Volunteering with S&G


Sistem ve Jenerasyon Derneği

Ankara, Turecko


Community Intervention: S&G Office Engagement: System and Generation offer the chance for office involvement to all volunteers get to work in the office with our staff and get engaged in numerous tasks. The volunteer willing to get involved in office work gets to learn more about the internal structure and work of an NGO. S&G is open to giving this chance to the volunteers. So far, it has been very fruitful for both parties as an Association and the volunteer who gets engaged in office work usually fulfills these main tasks: Helping the coordinator with printing &scanning materials, preparing community intervention activities together, assisting in updating the webpage, and maintaining of social media accounts of the Association, designing the YouthTelegraph(our monthly online youth magazine), Conversation Club, taking part of S&G involved in network activities with ALF, ENYC, CEV, etc.

Ubytování, stravování, doprava

Accommodation: Food: Food Money 80Eur per month & Pocket Money 5Eur per day Transportation: Erasmus Distance Calculator:

Odborná příprava během činnosti

Step by Step Project Development&Submission AI&Social Media&Video Making

Profil účastníka Please fill the form:

Období činnosti

A total of 42 week(s) during the period 01/10/2024 to 30/06/2025

Místo činnosti

Necatibey Caddesi No.19 Daire.17 Kızılay-Ankara 06430, Ankara, Turecko

Individuální dobrovolnictví

Vyhledávání účastníků z

Albánie, Rakousko, Ázerbájdžán, Bosna a Hercegovina, Belgie, Bulharsko, Bělorusko, Canary Islands, Česká republika, Německo, Dánsko, Estonsko, Egypt, Řecko, Španělsko, Finsko, Francie, Gruzie, Chorvatsko, Maďarsko, Irsko, Itálie, Jordánsko, Lichtenštejnsko, Litva, Lucembursko, Černá Hora, Severní Makedonie, Nizozemsko, Polsko, Portugalsko, Réunion, Rumunsko, Srbsko, Russian Federation, Švédsko, Slovensko, Ostrovy Turks a Caicos, Ukrajina, Kosovo * UN resolution, Lotyšsko, Malta, Slovinsko, Saint Martin (french part), Francouzská Guyana

Témata aktivity

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

Citizenship and democratic participation

Environment and natural protection

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Physical education and sport

Lhůta podání přihlášky

Lhůta k podání přihlášky není stanovena