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Interpreta Natura

Interpreta Natura: Bassa Barreta Hostel

Villamarchante, Valencia., Španělsko


This volunteering takes place from June 10th to June 23rd at the municipal hostel Bassa Barreta in Vilamarxant (Valencia). The event is organized and led by INTERPRETA NATURA, a non-profit association dedicated to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage. Located in the heart of the "Les Rodanes" natural park, the Bassa Barreta hostel is an information center open to the public from 9:00 to 15:00, where associative groups can stay for free. This project aims to conserve the environment within a natural park and develop environmental education materials. We ask volunteers for about 30 hours of work per week (6 hours spread over 5 days with 2 days off). In total, 12 young people from across Europe will be part of the project during these two weeks; the primary language will be English, but we can also communicate in Spanish and French.

Ubytování, stravování, doprava

This volunteering includes round-trip transportation, accommodation in our hostel and organic food from Monday to Friday. The weekends will be free and the volunteers will be able to visit Valencia, we will give them pocket money to buy food. Transport: covers all transport costs (we promote green transport) The rooms:There are 26 beds in total and they are divided into 4 beds per stay. The bathrooms: separate bathrooms for men and women. Kitchen: common and equipped kitchen. Food:The monitors will buy organic food from local commerce, the volunteers will cook in shifts and for everyone.

Odborná příprava během činnosti

Volunteers will work 5 hours in the morning (physical tasks) and 2 hours in the afternoon (exploring, learning about flora and fauna). The rest of the time is free or for cleaning/kitchen shifts. Near Bassa Barreta hostel, a trail is being restored; we'll turn it into an environmental education area. We'll also create a kids' playground, build bird nesting boxes, and plant mycorrhizal trees. Additionally, we'll discuss ways to improve our world, reflecting on individual and collective actions. Supporting these discussions, we'll use the "Sustainable NGOs" online course; volunteers must bring

Profil účastníka

The volunteers will live together for two weeks, so we look for sociable and respectful people. We do not request any type of experience but we prefer motivated people, sensitive to environmental conservation and eager to learn. Volunteers will have to endure physical work for 5 hours, cook for 12 people (in shifts), make crafts and they will have to be prepared for it. The effectiveness of our team will determine the final outcome; we will work in harmony to overcome challenges and achieve outstanding results.

Období činnosti

od 09/06/2024 do 23/06/2024

Místo činnosti

Villamarchante, Valencia., Španělsko

Dobrovolnické týmy

Vyhledávání účastníků z

Španělsko, Itálie

Témata aktivity

Citizenship and democratic participation

Environment and natural protection

Health and wellbeing

Lhůta podání přihlášky

podle lhůty přihlášek: 01/06/2024 23:59