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Euroopa solidaarsuskorpus

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EVS with deaf and blind people - Volunteers from Romania and Spain


Centro de Educação e Desenvolvimento António Aurélio da Costa Ferreira

Lisboa, Portugal


Casa Pia de Lisboa (CPL) wants to promote the rights and protection of children and young people, especially those who are in danger or at risk of exclusion. This project will take place in Centro de Educação e Desenvolvimento António Aurélio da Costa Ferreira (CED AACF), that works with deaf and blind population since 1986. CED AACF aims to enable and support the educational and professional integration of people with sensory disabilities, in particular deaf blind persons and/or with serious problems of communication, mainly promoting access to children and young people. There are 36 users aged between 4 and 48 years (average age 22-year-old). The CED AACF runs a residential home (where some users live) and an occupational therapy center where the users take part in a variety of practical activities in order to develop different skills.

Majutus, toitlustus, transport

ProAtlântico provides accommodation in an apartment (with 6/8 volunteers in total), University residence, hostel or hosting family, Casa Europa, multiple bedroom with fully equipped kitchen, toilet, laundry facilities and living room. The costs with electricity, water, gas, TV and Internet are covered by the Coordinating Organization. The volunteers will have towels and bed clothes for the entire period of the project.

Koolitused tegevuse ajal

ProAtlântico will support the volunteers in the learning of portuguese. During the project, volunteers will have different trainings (work with children, Youthpass, etc) Volunteers will participate in trainings promoted by National Agency.

Osaleja profiil

Volunteers must be: -very human, -self motivated, -proactive, -creative, -with handwork skills, -very flexible

Tegevuse kuupäevad

Alates 01/10/2016 Kuni 27/09/2017

Tegevuse koht

Lisboa, Portugal

Üksikisiku vabatahtlik tegevus

Otsitakse osalejaid järgmisest riigist:

Hispaania, Rumeenia

Tegevuse valdkonnad

Avalduse esitamise tähtaeg

Taotluse esitamise tähtaeg: 31/08/2016 23:59