"Muros que desaparecen"

"Muros que desaparecen"


Vigo, Spain

Срокът за кандидатстване изтече.

Описание на дейността

The general objective of this project is to promote the integration of applicants for international protection through the experiences and learning that volunteers can contribute, allowing the enrichment and cultural exchange that they can offer. Volunteers will be able to benefit from the experience of participating in a multidisciplinary team through which they expand their personal and professional training, through non-formal activities and continuous learning throughout their stay. Through this project, it facilitates integration into the host society and makes this situation visible in local communities. The project will be carried out in the Spanish town of Vigo, in Galicia, in northern Spain.

Настаняване, хранене и транспорт

The volunteer will reside in a single room in an apartment shared with other volunteers. As in all ESC projects, Pocket Money and Food Money are provided, which will be transferred directly to the volunteer's current account at the beginning of each month. As in any ESC project, the volunteer will be entitled to CIGNA insurance and reimbursement for the round trip according to limits provided by the European Solidarity Corps program.

Обучение по време на дейността

During the entire duration of the project, the volunteer will be guaranteed mentoring and online tutoring by the supporting organization. You will have access to Spanish classes and you will be able to benefit from the specific courses that Accem gives to the entity's users.

Профил на участника

We will value that the participants have some of these characteristics: - Have common sense and assertiveness. - Possess a strong motivation for the activity to be developed, not so much for the country or for learning the language. - Be convinced of the role of cultural exchanges in promoting peace and stability. - Ability to take initiative and be proactive. - Flexibility, responsibility, patience. - Be willing to participate in all the activities that the Accem staff will carry out: linguistic support, accompaniments, cultural and leisure activities, always respecting

Дати на дейността

Общо 25 седмици в периода от 23/01/2023 до 23/07/2023

Място на дейността

C/ Conde Torrecedeira, 74, 36202 Vigo Spain

Търсим участници от

Австрия, Белгия, България, Чешка република, Германия, Дания, Естония, Гърция, Испания, Финландия, Франция, Хърватия, Унгария, Ирландия, Италия, Лихтенщайн, Литва, Люксембург, Малта, Нидерландия, Норвегия, Полша, Палестина, Португалия, Румъния, Сърбия, Швеция, Словения, Словакия, Украйна

Теми на дейността

Приемане и интегриране на бежанци и мигранти

Краен срок за подаване на кандидатури

Срок за подаване на заявлението: 16/01/2023