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Europejski Korpus Solidarności

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The Flight Of Flamingo Boy

My name is Hugo, but I’m better known as the Flamingo Boy! You might be thinking, what a strange and beautiful name … what’s the story behind it?

The Flight Of Flamingo Boy

Hugo from Portugal volunteered at Tour du Valat in Arles, France, from September 2017 to September 2018, where he was working in the Research Centre dedicated to the wetlands conservation and being actively involved in flamingo studies.

Hey Hey! 

My name is Hugo Ferreira, but I am better known as the Flamingo Boy!

You might be thinking, what a strange and beautiful name…what is the story behind it? 

Well, 2 years ago when I finished my Master in Ecology, I end up working in a Hotel in the South of Portugal (yeah I am Portuguese :P). 

Despite meeting amazing people there, I was quite depressed, feeling that all my hard work in my studies were in vain…It was definitively not the life I imagined for myself and not fulfilling my urge for adventure and discover. 

That´s when I finally found the needle in the hay! 

I found the European Solidarity Corp and a unique project in a Scientific Research Center dedicated to the protection of the Mediterranean Wetlands (Tour du Valat) in France. It had everything I always wanted to experience, new country, new language, new people, new experiences and best of all, it was something related to Nature! 

Despite all my worries about the hardships I would face, I jumped straightforward into the project! 

Since then life was being a roller coaster of good emotions! 

I made friends from every corner in the world Romania, Algeria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Brazil, Canada, Peru, Netherlands, Columbia, Ireland, Cyprus, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Turkey, Marroc, Russia, Sweden, Portugal, Armenia, Albania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Poland, Nigeria, Check Republic, Greece, Japan, Mexico, France, England, Scotland, Latvia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Uruguay, America, Germany, Hungary, France, Haiti and many others! Oh yearh, some Portuguese too hahaah. 

I fulfilled my kid´s dream, of doing what I saw every Sunday morning in the Nature Programs.I was living in a natural reserve studying wild animals like Spoonbills, Flamingos (Of course ahaha) Ibis, Gulls...Boars Ragondin Marmots ...Parasites Mosquitoes Coleoptera....Eels, Fish...I was so happy and motivated that I would just help in every project I could! 

Can you imagine waking up at 4 in the morning, walking some kms through the wilderness, just to observe the birds with a beautiful sunrise on the background? I can and I can say to you, that it´s unforgettable and magical! It changed the person I am. To start it made me a lot more patient ahahah

Of Couse I couldn’t keep all of this to myself, so during my project I shared my knowledge with kids, students, researchers, curious people...Presented my work in museums, Open days, Press conferences....It was great to see the admiration in my friends and complete strangers eyes. 

It made me proud of my work and  motivated me even more to keep moving forward! 

I was also invited to take an active part in European Events Youth weeks, Youth Dialogues....
Shared the stage with European Commissionaires, Program managers, notorious researchers, friends....What can I say, it was a bit like a culture shock...On a moment I was being in the middle of the mud and wild animals, and on the other I was in the middle of suits and politics ahahah Surprisingly it made me grow even more. It made me realize that despite being just a young Portuguese I can help the others, creating a better and more connect Europe! I am now very engaged in doing so. I am currently helping in the creation of the new European Solidarity Network! hope I can give you news about it soon and to see you there. So stay tune!  hehehe

I took this opportunity to travel a lot! Through a big part of France, Italy, Slovenia, Emirates, Monaco, Spain, Ireland, Belgian, Romania, Portugal.... This was all made possible due to the friends I made during my project! It´s great to visit them in their own countries and get to know their reality! 

Well, I could basically stay here all day ahhaha
I just want to say, 2 years ago I was scared, I was depressed, I thought the good years already pass....
Today I can say, I was very wrong and that I am glad I took the hard step of leaving my house. 
Today I can say that I am proud of all that I have accomplished.
Today I can say that it´s not enough for me...
Today I can say I will keep moving forward to the unknown, but this time with a smile and looking forward to all the amazing experiences still waiting me. Because the good years will still come!
Today I just wanted to thank all of you to make these 2 years so special! 

Today I want to say thank you to the people behind the European Solidarity Corps program! Your work is amazing, you should be proud!
Today I also wanted to say thank you to my family and friends that helped me reach these years, I dedicate my accomplishments to you! 
Thank you! 

And now let´s see what comes next.

Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, I completely forgot! The flamingo boy explanation! 

Well, basically and maybe the best skill I learned during my project....I learned how to dance and sing like a flamingo ahahah maybe next time I can show it to you :P 

Additionally, I was helping managing the French and Turkish flamingo data base, basically where we have all their “names”, year of birth, where they travel, their life :D

And it´s always easier to explain to people that I work with flamingos, because it´s such an emblematic and beautiful species! But please! Check out the Spoonbills and the Glossy Ibis they are great to! 

Ok, this was my short story I hope you enjoyed it reading it because I sure enjoyed living it! 

Till next time! 

Abraço :)