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ES jaunatnes stratēģija

Te vari iesaistīties un piedalīties demokrātijā un sabiedrībā. Saki mums, kas tev ir svarīgi – ES jaunatnes dialogā.


Young people in Europe are getting more and more connected. Connections, relations and exchange of experience are a pivotal asset for solidarity and the future development of the European Union. This connection is best fostered through different forms of mobility.

Member States and the European Commission are invited to:

  • Enable access for all young people and youth workers to cross-border mobility opportunities, including volunteering, by eliminating obstacles and implementing support measures with special attention to young people with fewer opportunities;
  • Encourage young people’s engagement in solidarity, promoting support schemes and seek complementarity and synergies between EU funding instruments and national, regional and local schemes;
  • Actively engage young people and youth organisations in the design, implementation and evaluation of relevant EU funding programmes;
  • Share best practices and further work on effective systems for validation and recognition of skills and competencies gained through non-formal and informal learning, including solidarity and volunteering activities, continuing the implementation of the 2012 Council Recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning.

Activities planned under the EU Work plan for Youth 2019-2021

(This is an indicative list)

  • Expert group on cross-border solidarity;
  • Peer-learning activities on national solidarity activities;
  • Updating the 2008 Council Recommendation on the mobility of young volunteers across the European Union;
  • Council Conclusions on youth work in rural areas and promotion of intergenerational solidarity.

Find out more

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