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Estratégia da UE para a Juventude

A UE elaborou uma Estratégia da UE para a Juventude e deseja que os jovens envolvam e participem ativamente na democracia e na sociedade. Queremos que os jovens nos digam o que é importante para eles, participando no Diálogo da UE com a Juventude.

Este conteúdo não está atualmente disponível em Português


Empowerment of young people means encouraging them to take charge of their own lives. Today, young people across Europe are facing diverse challenges and youth work in all its forms can serve as a catalyst for empowerment.

Member States and the European Commission are invited to:

  • Develop and implement a European Youth Work Agenda for quality, innovation and recognition of youth work;
  • Support quality youth work development on all levels, including policy development in the field, training for youth workers, the establishment of legal frameworks and sufficient allocation of resources;
  • Support youth work activities, including grassroots, and recognise youth organisations as providers of competences development and social inclusion through youth work and non-formal education activities;
  • Create and further develop easily accessible youth contact points that deliver a wide range of services and/or provide youth information.

Activities planned under the EU Work plan for Youth 2019-2021

(This is an indicative list)

  • Council Conclusions on the education and training of youth workers
  • Council Conclusions on digital youth work
  • Peer-learning activity on cross-sectoral approaches in youth work
  • Council Resolution “Agenda on Youth Work”
  • Third European Youth Work Convention  (December 2020)
  • Peer-learning exercise on digital youth work
  • Peer-learning activity on innovative ways of financing youth work

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