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Estratégia da UE para a Juventude

A UE elaborou uma Estratégia da UE para a Juventude e deseja que os jovens envolvam e participem ativamente na democracia e na sociedade. Queremos que os jovens nos digam o que é importante para eles, participando no Diálogo da UE com a Juventude.

Este conteúdo não está atualmente disponível em Português

EU Youth Dialogue

What is the EU Youth Dialogue?

The EU Youth Dialogue brings together young people and youth organisations, decision makers, as well as researchers and civil society. It serves as a forum for reflection and consultation on the follow-up of the EU Youth Strategy. The aim of the EU Youth Dialogue is to give a voice to young people, especially those with fewer opportunities.

The EU Youth Dialogue is organised into 18-month work cycles. Each cycle focuses on a different thematic priority (set by the Council of Youth Ministers).

Who is involved?

The success of EU Youth Dialogue depends on the direct involvement of young people and youth organisations. During each 18-month work cycle, every EU country conducts a national consultation of young people and youth organisations.

The participatory process in each country is organised by national working groups through representatives of youth ministries, national youth councils, youth organisations, youth workers, researchers and young people from all backgrounds.

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