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EU:n nuorisostrategia

EU:ssa on laadittu EU:n nuorisostrategia, jolla nuoria halutaan kannustaa tulemaan aktiivisiksi kansalaisiksi demokratiassa ja yhteiskunnassa. Haluamme nuorten kertovan meille itselleen tärkeistä asiasta EU:n nuorisodialogin kautta.

EU Youth Strategy Platform

What is the EU Youth Strategy Platform?

The EU Youth Strategy Platform facilitates participatory governance and coordination of the implementation of the Strategy.

The platform also aims to build a basis for a regular civic dialogue, to give stakeholders a greater role in coordinating the implementation of the strategy and to offer opportunities to exchange information on activities and results.

How will the EU Youth Strategy Platform work?

The European Commission will organise dedicated meetings to bring together, as appropriate, representatives of EU institutions, Member States, National Agencies of Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps, youth organisations and other relevant stakeholders as well as local and regional authorities.

Find out more

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