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A logo of the project "HerpTrust"

Od 21/04/2024 10:00 do 21/04/2024 13:00 - [CET] vzhodnoevropski čas

Delikipos Dam, Ciper

Herps as climate indicators: protect them to protect ourselves

In the context of the Erasmus+ KA2 project HerpTrust, we are organising a morning full of fun and new knowledge at the Delikipos Dam area. Participants of every age will have the opportunity to join activities and get trained on climate change issues that affect and are affected by Human-Herpetofauna Interactions.

Podatki o aktivnosti

  • Oblika dejavnosti

  • S fizično prisotnostjo
  • Teme dejavnosti

  • Podnebje in okolje
  • Languages of the activity

  • grščina, angleščina
  • Organizator

  • The Open University of Cyprus, The Herpetological Society of Cyprus
  • Vrsta dejavnosti

  • Delavnica
  • Booking/Registration

  • Rezervacija mogoča, vendar neobvezna
  • Kontaktni e-naslov

  • Število pričakovanih udeležencev

  • 20
  • Dostopnost za invalidske vozičke

  • Ni dostopno z invalidskim vozičkom
  • Tolmačenje znakovnega jezika

  • Ne
  • Cilji mladih

  • Mladinske organizacije in evropski programi