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ERASMUS+ Virtual Exchange

The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project 2018-2020 is now finished. Please stay tuned to the European Youth Portal for further developments!

Tento obsah v súčasnosti nie je k dispozícii v tomto jazyku: Slovenčina

Eirini // Greece

Eirini is a Law student in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, she is an active Online Debate Trainer of the Debate Exchanges activity. 

Eirini found out about the Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project one year ago, after a Debate Forum event in Greece. “Since then I have been actively involved in the Debate Exchanges activity, aspiring to broaden my horizons and exchange ideas with people from various cultural backgrounds.'' 

She is an active Online Debate Trainer, aiming to train colleagues from all around the Euro-Mediterranean region to participate in online debates. “I strive to familiarise participants with the basic rules of debate, the tips of an effective rebuttal and how to listen attentively and substantially to the different arguments expressed”. 

“Our discussions revolve around current affairs, stressing mainly on breaking gender barriers, promoting tolerance and the true essence of democracy. Most of the times, we reach conclusions that are truly inspiring and eye-opening”.

“It’s amazing to observe how the stereotypes developed about people with different origins can be misleading and genuinely false”. 

One of the highlights of her experience, was: “the eagerness of the participants -both as trainees and as trainers- to exchange ideas that could have a profound impact”. “There was not even a single time when I felt that the issues expressed were too narrow or by any chance absolute”, she adds.

Throughout the time she has been actively involved in the project, Erini has successfully obtained “the ability to listen attentively, to concentrate and extract the true essence of a certain topic of discussion”. 

Eirini also mentions that it was “challenging”  to “react instantly” in the case of some misunderstandings. “Being able to give a crystal clear view of the issue at hand is a key skill for every negotiator and a leader of a certain group or task”.