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Il-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà

B’Saħħitna fl-Għaqda.

EVS in Arrimal, Portugal

Fundacja Wiatrak

Arrimal, il-Portugall


The project consists in 3 different parts. The volunteer will participate in the activities in Environmental Centre - Wild Birds Monitorization/Control. ALL activities are developed in a Natural Park in a small village isolated from big urban places. Preparation of materials and equipmment and their maintenance, outdoor activities (recognize and photograph elements of wild flora in the Natural Park, learn to use and maintenance of work equipment, processing information and images collected, report of the outdoor actions Organizing meetings and activities in school. Volunteers will learn about the basic principles of botany, biology, zoology and geology. They will confirm and correct data of collected data in the field, learn to work with databases and software for image processing and geographic data. They will make activity analysis, etc.

Profil tal-parteċipant

- aged 18 – 30 - interest in work in Natural park, with local youth and promoting culture and ecology; - willing to participate in the social and community life of Arrimal, Portugal; - would like to help creating and implementing projects and activities for local youth; - interested in different cultures and in intercultural learning; - mature to work and to relate to other young people with fewer opportunities and willing to develop activities with sense of responsibility; - willing to share his/her experiences and culture.

Dati tal-Attività

Minn 01/09/2015 sa 31/05/2016

Post tal-Attività

Portela Vale Espinho, 19, Arrimal, il-Portugall

Volontarjat individwali

Qed infittxu parteċipanti minn


Temi tal-attività

Data ta’ skadenza għall-applikazzjonijiet

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni: 01/01/1970 23:59