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Európsky zbor solidarity

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Bryson Charitable Group


Cardiff, Wales, Spojené kráľovstvo


Wales’ Temple of Peace & Health is an iconic Art Deco public building in Cardiff’s Civic Centre, opened in 1938 as Wales’ memorial to the fallen of WW1. WCIA is looking for volunteers with a keen interest in heritage research, digital communications, journalism/storytelling, &/ or public engagement & learning, to support the Temple team with: • Supporting a series of ‘Peace100’ Events & projects over 2022-23, marking the 50th Anniversary of WCIA & centenary of Welsh ‘League of Nations’ movements led by youth, women, teachers & communities. • Digitising Temple Archives & Collections from the Library for online access. • Curating displays & informative / educational visitor resources, for Temple Tours & public events. • Hands-on environmental conservation work to improve Wales’ National Garden of Peace. • Community engagement projects & activities with a range of WCIA partner organisations & groups. • Day-to-day support to the wider WCIA team with visitors, events, social media/comms

Ubytovanie, strava a doprava

Volunteers will live in rented accommodation in Cathays, within 15 minutes’ walk of the Temple - sharing with 2-6 other international volunteers who are currently on placements in Cardiff through WCIA - with communal kitchen, dining and bathroom / facilities, and individual bedrooms usually furnished with bed, desk and drawers. Cathays and the Temple of Peace are within 15 minutes’ walk of Cardiff’s City Centre, with regular public transport such as buses, trains and rental bikes, and plenty of local shops and facilities.

Odborná príprava počas činnosti

On Arrival Training at beginning and Mid Term Training during the placement. The hosting organisation will do induction on site with volunteer and supervisor and mentor will support throughout. Please apply using our online form:

Profil účastníka

Please apply using our online form: WCIA is looking for volunteers with a keen interest in heritage research, digital communications, journalism / storytelling, and / or public engagement and learning

Obdobie činnosti

Od 01/05/2022 do 30/04/2023

Miesto činnosti

Cardiff, Wales, Spojené kráľovstvo

Individuálna dobrovoľnícka činnosť

Záujem o účastníkov z týchto krajín

Belgicko, Nemecko, Estónsko, Španielsko, Francúzsko, Holandsko, Ukrajina

Témy aktivít

Creativity and culture

Lehota na podávanie prihlášok

termínu na predloženie prihlášky: 24/01/2022 23:59