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Европейски корпус за солидарност

Силата на съвместния подход

Green park Education for Nature

Fundatia Life Tineret

Life Youth Foundation

Oradea, Румъния


Green park Education for Nature is a long-term ESC project (11 months) about social inclusion, Climate and Envionment protection, human rights, solidarity, about YOU working shoulder to shoulder with our team, getting familiar with youth work and Nature. A project designed to involve young people ESC volunteers in Oradea city community needs for Education for Nature. We will address kids and young people 3 to 13 years with different indoor and especially outdoor activities. We will work together with different local partners - Schools, Kindergartens, Museums, Universities, ZOO, Libraries and public FOREST authorities to develop a series of activities which will focus on:- 1. help kids and young people learn about nature and especially local climate 2. encourage local kids and young people to embrace the idea that we have to love and protect our Nature in order to have a future 3. encourage kids and young people to become active citizens - protecting animals and fauna

Настаняване, хранене и транспорт

During the ESC Volunteering Project in Oradea, volunteers will be provided with comfortable and shared accommodation in the city. Living together in the same apartment fosters a sense of camaraderie among participants, facilitating cultural exchange and teamwork. To ensure that volunteers can focus on their valuable contributions to the project, they will receive pocket money and food allowance throughout their stay. Moreover, we cover transportation expenses using Erasmus Calculator on distance band.

Обучение по време на дейността

1. On Arrival Training organised by the NA- National Agency of ESC- European Solidarity Corps 2. Training regarding protection and safety of the participant; 3. Linguistic training (RO, EN) a 42 hours training from English to learn romanian 4. Training on non-formal education techniques and tools; Training about methodology used in education for Nature activities organised for kids 3 to 13 years 5. Mid Term Evaluation organised by the NA 6. Workshops - specific topics related to project activities 7. Different Team building activities

Профил на участника

Having between 18 and 30 years old; • passionate about Nature - loving to be outdoors, passionate about animals, willing to ACT as active citizen when it comes to do something to preserve an area or protect an animal, feeling well around animals • willing to share your passion for Nature with kids and youth• Middle level in spoken English; • Happy to work with children and young people; • Excited to develop new skills in organising, implementing and coordinating activities; • Having residence in one of ESC eligible countries; • Brave enough to move for almost one year in another country.

Дати на дейността

A total of 47 week(s) during the period 03/12/2024 to 28/11/2025

Място на дейността

Cuza Voda Nr.17, Oradea, Румъния

Индивидуална доброволческа дейност

Търсим участници от

British Antarctic Territory, Ангила, Албания, Армения, Австрия, Аруба, Азербайджан, Босна и Херцеговина, Белгия, България, Сен Бартелеми, Бермудски острови, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Беларус, Canary Islands, Кюрасао, Кипър, Чешка република, Германия, Дания, Алжир, Естония, Египет, Гърция, Испания, Финландия, Фолкландски острови, Франция, Грузия, Френска Гвиана, Гренландия, Гваделупа, Хърватия, Унгария, Ирландия, Израел, Британски територии в Индийския океан, Исландия, Италия, Йордания, Кайманови острови, Ливан, Лихтенщайн, Литва, Люксембург, Латвия, Либия, Мароко, Moldova (Republic of), Черна гора, Saint Martin (french part), Северна Македония, Мартиника, Монтсерат, Малта, Нова Каледония, Нидерландия, Норвегия, Френска Полинезия, Полша, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Палестина, Португалия, Реюнион, Румъния, Сърбия, Russian Federation, Швеция, Saint Helena, Словения, Словакия, Syrian Arab Republic, Търкс и Кайкос, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Тунис, Турция, Украйна, Virgin Islands (British), Уолис и Футуна, Kosovo * UN resolution

Теми на дейността

Citizenship and democratic participation

Environment and natural protection

Education and training

Краен срок за подаване на кандидатури

Срок за подаване на заявлението: 31/10/2024 23:59