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Il-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà

B’Saħħitna fl-Għaqda.

MEAL Officer in Guatemala (Guatemala City) -- Humanitarian Volunteer

Medicos del Mundo

Médicos del Mundo Guatemala

Guatemala City, il-Gwatemala


Medicos del Mundo has been working in Guatemala since 1994, and its long history in the country means that it has the necessary operational resources to carry out its work. The volunteer will have the opportunity to join an experienced team, which will allow him/her to become familiar with the project cycle and to develop skills in project implementation & monitoring, teamwork, as well as to integrate gender issues, human rights and anthropological approaches. His/her tasks will be: Follow up on indicators & sources of verification of projects / Prepare reports for each project / Participate in the adjustment/redefinition of indicators / Propose improvements in the systems & tools for monitoring & follow-up of the projects to the coordinating offices / Strengthening the capacities of the national MdM team and its partners in tools for recording and analysing information / Support in the selection, implementation & management of MdM accountability and complaints mechanisms.

Akkomodazzjoni, ikel u arranġamenti tat-trasport

Living conditions in Guatemala are comfortable. All basic services and recreational facilities are easily accessible. The volunteer will be accommodated in one of the office houses of MdM or its counterparts and will receive a monthly allowance to cover his/her food expenses of 791e. Accommodation; return flights; visa and vaccination costs; health insurance; and basic equipment (laptops and telephone) will be provided and covered during deployment. Transportation and accommodation will also be provided and covered for all work-related travel. 

Taħriġ matul l-attività

Volunteers will improve their professional knowledge through training in humanitarian action, and specific issues on security, gender, psychosocial support... and will be provided with training resources to continue their learning. Those selected will receive briefings/training at MdM headquarters in Madrid with the different departments related to the mission and the position, as well as mandatory online training on environmental issues before they start their field work. Training sessions will take place both in the countries of the supporting organisations and in of the host organisations.

Profil tal-parteċipant

University degree in Social Sciences, Administration or other professions related to the position. Experience or additional training in project formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Experience in the field of international cooperation valued. Good handling of the Office package, data management tools, use of digital platforms. Spanish required/ English very favourable. Self-care and stress management. Ability to work in a team. Ability to adapt to different contexts. Knowledge of the Latin American context, especially countries in the Mesoamerican region.

Dati tal-Attività

A total of 26 week(s) during the period 01/07/2023 to 30/06/2024

Post tal-Attività

Guatemala City, il-Gwatemala

Volontarjat individwali

Qed infittxu parteċipanti minn

l-Awstrija, il-Belġju, il-Bulgarija, Ċipru, ir-Repubblika Ċeka, il-Ġermanja, id-Danimarka, l-Estonja, il-Greċja, Spanja, il-Finlandja, Franza, il-Kroazja, l-Ungerija, l-Irlanda, l-Iżlanda, l-Italja, il-Liechtenstein, il-Litwanja, il-Lussemburgu, il-Latvja, il-Maċedonja ta’ Fuq, Malta, in-Netherlands, il-Polonja, il-Portugall, ir-Rumanija, l-Iżvezja, is-Slovenja, is-Slovakkja, it-Turkija

Temi tal-attività

Social challenges

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

Health and wellbeing

Working against discrimination (including gender discrimination)

Data ta’ skadenza għall-applikazzjonijiet

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni: 16/07/2023 23:59