Social media and video volunteer for intercultural projects

Verein JUKUS
Graz, l-Awstrija
Association JUKUS ( is specialized in supporting youth, culture & sports. Since 12 years, JUKUS has contributed to the establishment of intercultural and socio-cultural activities in the area of Graz & Styria. Our idea: living together of different cultural identities is not a contradiction, we want to emphasize the positive aspects of a diverse society. Our goal is to raise public awareness for collectiveness and common interests. Our activities are focused on equal-treatment and non-discrimination. We look for a volunteer who supports our culture and media projects, related to migration and integration. Therefore, interest in these topics and some knowledge social media, photography, video-making is an asset. Also, a volunteer can support us in events, library and office management.
Akkomodazzjoni, ikel u arranġamenti tat-trasport
JUKUS will provide a volunteer with a room at student's dormitory. There is the opportunity either to use a provided bicycle to reach the organisation or to use public transportation (ticket provided). The locations are reachable by bus or tram. Food allowance is €270/month, pocket money €180/month.
Taħriġ matul l-attività
The Volunteer will be provided at least with an On Arrival Training and a Mid Term Training, organized by the Austrian National Agency. The volunteer will have a possibility to attend German course.
Profil tal-parteċipant
APPLY by filling a form here: | Please add CV and Cover letter on the form (if it doesn't work, send it to | Applications on the system are not considered | Info: | Profile: open, communicative, proactive and self-organised person, eager to work in team; interested in media, culture and social work; experienced with design, video making, office suite and social media platforms; some knowledge of intercultural work is welcome; motivated to learn German.
Dati tal-Attività
Minn 01/10/2023 sa 30/09/2024
Post tal-Attività
Annenstraße 39, Graz, l-Awstrija
Volontarjat individwali
Qed infittxu parteċipanti minn
l-Albanija, l-Armenja, l-Awstrija, l-Ażerbajġan, il-Bożnija-Ħerzegovina, il-Belġju, il-Bulgarija, Ċipru, ir-Repubblika Ċeka, il-Ġermanja, id-Danimarka, l-Estonja, il-Greċja, Spanja, il-Finlandja, Franza, il-Georgia, il-Kroazja, l-Ungerija, l-Irlanda, l-Iżlanda, l-Italja, il-Liechtenstein, il-Litwanja, il-Lussemburgu, il-Latvja, Moldova (Republic of), il-Montenegro, il-Maċedonja ta’ Fuq, Malta, in-Netherlands, in-Norveġja, il-Polonja, il-Portugall, ir-Rumanija, is-Serbja, l-Iżvezja, is-Slovenja, is-Slovakkja, it-Turkija, l-Ukrajna, Kosovo * UN resolution
Temi tal-attività
Social challenges
Reception and integration of refugees and migrants
Creativity and culture
Data ta’ skadenza għall-applikazzjonijiet
Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni: 20/08/2023 23:59