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Európsky zbor solidarity

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Work with youth from high-risk backgrounds (Activity A2)


Alternative Training Centre for Youth of Vilnius Archdiocese Caritas

Vilnius, Litva


Alternative Training Centre for Youth is a department of Vilnius Archdiocese Caritas. The aim of our centre is to improve integration of young people into society by developing employment and social competencies. That is done by working with youth from high-risk social backgrounds, providing social, educational, psychological, economical help and support. The activities: 1) Assuring basic needs (accommodation, food, hygiene). 2) Integration into the labor market, strengthening work and craft skills 3) Non-formal education (volunteering, participating in community life, cooking, etc) 4) Individual assistance activities including psychological and social consulting, psychosocial group education We invite a volunteer to become a friend with these youngsters and help them integrate into society. We expect you to take part and organize free-time activities, various workshops, courses and events, just to spend time with them, teach the most basic house-keeping tasks, etc.

Ubytovanie, strava a doprava

Volunteer will be provided monthly food money. Daily commute and other necessary transport expenses will be covered. Accommodation will be found according to our budget and volunteers needs - volunteer can expect to at least live in a separate room, provided with all necessary utilities (fridge, oven, etc.). A fair amount of pocket money will be given each month.

Odborná príprava počas činnosti

Volunteer will have to attend Lithuanian language classes, which will be included into his working hours. There will be two training courses scheduled during the volunteering period. A 3-day training at the beginning of volunteers term and similar but slightly longer mid-term training. These courses are meant for volunteers to understand how the project works, to set goals for their skill development during the project, self-evaluate their progress. At the end of project every volunteer will be provided with Youthpass certificate to acknowledge their developed skills.

Profil účastníka

We are looking for a volunteer who finds joy in helping other people and is a heartwarming person. We don't require any specific set of skills, but we expect you to be committed to your mission and have a lot of patience, as the youth we work with is a very difficult social group. Being creative, full of ideas and having a skill to share is a great advantage. Lastly, it is important for volunteer to speak decent English, as it is the main language you'll have to use.

Obdobie činnosti

A total of 44 week(s) during the period 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2020

Miesto činnosti

M.K.Paco g. 4, Vilnius, Litva

Individuálna dobrovoľnícka činnosť

Záujem o účastníkov z týchto krajín


Témy aktivít

Social challenges

Education and training

Employment and entrepreneurship

Physical education and sport

Lehota na podávanie prihlášok

termínu na predloženie prihlášky: 01/11/2019 23:59